JI Yajie

JI  Yajie (pseudonym) has worked with an NGO in China for more than a decade and has the desire to bring the gospel holistically to unreached people in creative access countries.

Blog Entries

Extending Blessings

Leveraging Proper Channels for Impact

When the officials find that the service satisfies their interest, they would even introduce us to connect with some other channels which we can leverage to multiply our impact.

Blog Entries

Building Shalom Even in Adversity

It is our responsibility to actively seek the opportunities for building shalom and to pray earnestly for the authorities until we see the alternative doors opened for holistically blessing the people in China.

Blog Entries

Navigating Faith and Governance

Lessons from Daniel for Modern Non-Profits in China

Daniel's wholehearted sincerity and purity made him distinguishable among all officials. This purity of Christ's love in our hearts can also make our non-profit organizations stand out, even under governmental restrictions.

Blog Entries

An Alternative to Being Marginalized

An outreach approach acceptable to the government and public interest will be a solution. The police can block a venue, but charity, merciful actions, and care for neighbors can gain societal support.

Blog Entries

How Should the Church Respond to Government Control?

A Reader Responds to the Spring 2023 CSQ

The maintenance and advancement of Christianity is highly correlated to three main factors: government control, social receptivity, and culture. Comparatively, China is not the most difficult place for Christianity to develop.

Blog Entries

The Paradigm Shifts as the Pendulum Swings

A Reader Responds to “When the ‘Golden Age’ Is Over”

Preventing infiltration through preaching, seen as a national security concern, has become a valid reason for prohibiting foreign missions whenever the pendulum swings towards the restrictive side…. I propose revisiting the concept of missions in order to find a breakthrough.

Blog Entries

Opportunities in the Light of Kingdom Identities

As a Christian in Hong Kong, I am not only interested in the economic aspects of consolidation with our neighboring city; I am also interested in cross-border and cross-cultural exchanges of spiritual life between the communities. While the government creates synergy through conjoining the strengths of the two cities, we should explore whether the interaction between the Christians of the two locations can give rise to new opportunities for kingdom ministries.

Blog Entries

Grappling with Multiple Identities

When faced with various identities in a complicated world, how might Christians understand and respond to potential conflicts?

Blog Entries

100 Years of God’s Protection and Guidance (Part 2)

Policies and Plans in Favor of Christianity

Christianity faces adversities in China. But God has used some of those unfavorable conditions to accelerate church growth. Thistles and thorns are not the only plants on the path of evangelism. We have simply ignored the little daisies growing along the way.

Blog Entries

100 Years of God’s Protection and Guidance (Part 1)

Turning Adversities into Blessings

History has convinced me that God cares about China in his missional plan. This anniversary carries spiritual meaning when we see that the Chinese church has witnessed God’s protection and guidance over the past 100 years.