Amy Young
Being a Foreign Woman in China
Challenges and Blessings
I was blessed to have lived and worked in China for much of my adulthood and be able to hold up my part of the sky. Does this contradict the point I made above about being limited by my gender? Life is more nuanced than blanket statements. Both are true for me, at times I felt limited by my gender and at times I felt not limited by it.
When I Say Fruitful, You Think What?
I wondered, “Did God call you to the field to set others free in Christ while you stay trapped in an unintended form of ministry bondage?” What if collectively we moved our metrics down a peg and allowed walking with the Spirit to be the true measure of fruitfulness?
Becoming More Fruitful in Cross-Cultural Work
How To Be Free in Christ and Rooted in Reality as You Fulfill Your Call
Amy Young discusses how to avoid ministry burnout by focusing on our spiritual life. As Paul advocates in his letter to the Galatians, she desires that you walk with the Spirit and experience true freedom in Christ. This freedom and fruitfulness exist in three directions: with God, others, and yourself.
3 Questions: The Transitions Workbook
[W]e give ourselves (and others) many gifts when we intentionally attend to our inner processes and emotions in the presence of the Lord.
Remembering My First Thanksgiving in China
Isn’t that like God? To take something small and insignificant and use it. And so it will be for you. This year you may need to be reminded, not of an American holiday, but of China and people you no longer get to live and serve with.
Acknowledging and Managing the Tension
A Reader Responds to “Women and the Missio Dei in China”
Five tensions women face serving in the Missio Dei.
Off We Go
A Book Review
A resource to help you and your family say “Off we go!” with more confidence and connectedness.
Dangers, Pitfalls, Connection, and Hope During Transition
This is not where you want to be. This is not where you thought you’d be. This was not your plan.
“What If” Is Here: Global Trellis
You need a place for your soul to be breath, your head to be engaged, and your heart to stay tender. You need Global Trellis.
7 Reasons I Liked “China: A History” (and 1 Warning)
A go-to resource for those wanting a brief overview of Chinese history or are looking for an engaging textbook for young students.