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Blog Entries

Reflections on the Reformation 500 and the Gospel Conference

We caught up with our friend Jackson Wu at the Reformation 500 conference in Hong Kong and asked him to share his reflections on the conference.

Chinese Church Voices

Conversations from Reformation 500

Excerpts from conversations with mainland attendees of the Reformation 500 and the Gospel conference held in Hong Kong in May 2017.

Chinese Church Voices

Conversations from Reformation 500, Part 2

More excerpts from conversations with mainland attendees of the Reformation 500 and the Gospel conference held in Hong Kong in May 2017.

Chinese Church Voices

Bringing the Gospel to Tibet

A recent article in mainland-based site, The Christian Times, highlights some of the unique challenges of doing mission work among the Tibetan people.

Blog Entries

Christians United For China

[…] benefits not only those who believe, it benefits the country as a whole. Countries which provide religious freedom also reap other benefits. For instance, job opportunities are created by religious organizations such as orphanages, elder-care homes, hospitals, kindergartens, drug rehab centers, youth centers, and poverty relief agencies. According to research by the Religious Freedom […]

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

[…] more vigilant in recognizing and preventing the capability of foreign infiltration as well as to stand on guard against cults, heresies, and extremism.  In addition, the document promotes mutual respect and harmony between different religions as well as inter-religious dialogue and cultural exchanges. It also demands that staff conform to churches' rules and regulations […]

Blog Entries

The Day China Changed Me

It was June 2000. I was on my first trip to China. In fact, it was my first time to leave the United States. My team and I spent six weeks meeting students, sharing the gospel, and helping in other ways.

Blog Entries

A Servant Is Not Greater than His Master

[…] regarding why they were in Pakistan, both by Christians and non-Christians alike. Questions have been asked about whether they were sent wisely, whether they could have been better protected, or whether their legal reason for being in Pakistan was the problem that caused this tragedy (questionable business visa). It is natural for any one […]

Peoples of China

The Unique Role of Foreigners in Present Day China

[…] the first United States President to visit the People’s Republic of China. Six years later in 1978, Deng Xiaoping committed China to adopting Open Door policies that promoted foreign trade and economic investment. These historic events initiated a process which allowed for not only progress in trade, economic cooperation, and interdependence, but also opened […]

Supporting Article

Being on Guard against “Spiritualized Political Correctness” in the Church

[…] schools face tension with their faith, the degree of tension is not the same for everyone. For those teaching subjects such as mathematics or science, the conflict between work and faith has not been that great. While supporting her husband and instructing her children at home is seen as work for the wife, for […]