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Blog Entries

Reflections on the Reformation 500 and the Gospel Conference

We caught up with our friend Jackson Wu at the Reformation 500 conference in Hong Kong and asked him to share his reflections on the conference.

Chinese Church Voices

Conversations from Reformation 500

Excerpts from conversations with mainland attendees of the Reformation 500 and the Gospel conference held in Hong Kong in May 2017.

Chinese Church Voices

Conversations from Reformation 500, Part 2

More excerpts from conversations with mainland attendees of the Reformation 500 and the Gospel conference held in Hong Kong in May 2017.

Blog Entries

A Free Resource

"Gospel in Life"

Our friends at the International Outreach department of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) are offering a free resource to those serving in China—Tim Keller’s Gospel in Life, in simplified Chinese. 

Blog Entries

Christians United For China

[…] Chinese church, and that this time of suffering and purging would call forth a new awakening and revival of our brothers and sisters. Also pray for religious freedom in China. It benefits not only those who believe, it benefits the country as a whole. Countries which provide religious freedom also reap other benefits. For […]

Blog Entries

Free Webinar: Where Are the Churches in China? And Why?

[…] American public and inform the American Catholic Church of the situation of the Catholic Church in China. Its mission is to “build bridges of friendship and dialogue between people of China and the United States by offering educational, service, and cultural programs in support of the Church and the larger society.” Under the leadership […]

Blog Entries

Free eBook: 7 Trends Impacting Foreigners in China

[…] Foreigners in China. If you are serving in China, or making plans to do so, this is definitely something you will want to read. Editor's note: The offer of a free copy of the ebook 7 Trends Impacting Foreigners in China has expired. The book is still available for purchase at 7 Trends Impacting Foreigners in China.

Blog Entries

Free Webinar: “Confucian Shame in Christian Thinking”

[…] webinar will explore the diverse ways that honor and shame affect our moral decision making as well as Paul’s use of these ideas within his letters. This free webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 24 at 1:00PM (US Central Time). For more information and to register go to “Confucian Shame in Christian Thinking.” […]

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

[…] more vigilant in recognizing and preventing the capability of foreign infiltration as well as to stand on guard against cults, heresies, and extremism.  In addition, the document promotes mutual respect and harmony between different religions as well as inter-religious dialogue and cultural exchanges. It also demands that staff conform to churches' rules and regulations […]

Blog Entries

The Day China Changed Me

It was June 2000. I was on my first trip to China. In fact, it was my first time to leave the United States. My team and I spent six weeks meeting students, sharing the gospel, and helping in other ways.