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9 Best Practices for a Chinese Missionary Sending Organization

Strategies to Assist with Chinese Missionary Sustainability

<p>The Chinese church passionately desires participation in missionary sending. Through a survey of the mission sending literature and field research with Chinese missionaries, nine best practices for Chinese mission sending are proposed that may facilitate long-term Chinese missionary sustainability.</p>

Blog Entries

Christians United For China

<p>A call to prayer for the church in China.</p>


The Role of the UK Churches During the Acculturation of Hong Kong Immigrants in the United Kingdom

The arrival of so many new immigrants in a short period of time has presented both local and Chinese churches in the UK with some unique opportunities and challenges. Zipporah, a student at Singapore Bible College, conducted research into this situation for a class on mission research.

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

<p>Delineating nine areas of expectations for pastors in China. </p>

Chinese Church Voices

Jesus: The Best Christmas Gift Ever

[…] is a great chance for sharing the gospel. We should shift our eyes from the present and material things to spiritual things. A man with faith is a man who knows how to grasp opportunities and tell people that Jesus is the best Christmas present. Original article: 北京重要宣教领袖:圣诞节最好礼物——给人耶稣基督 Image source: Nativity, Jeff Weese, via Flickr

Blog Entries

Quotations of Chairman Mao–Really a Best Seller?

<p>I spend a lot of time in taxis in Beijing and since I am a blondish, big-nosed foreigner who speaks Chinese, many drivers are eager to chat. They want to know what work I do and how much money I make. When I tell them that I am an educator and don't make much […]

Blog Entries

Best Christmas Advice: Act One and Act Two

[…] sermon and then the group discusses it and asks questions. I was able to sit in on one and can imagine pastors the world over would love for these kind of groups to be going on. For believers and explorers to review what was shared, what it means for their lives, and questions they […]

Blog Entries

Are China’s Best Being Lost to the West?

<p>Why are many Chinese believers who go overseas for seminary training  not returning to China to serve?. </p>

Blog Entries

Chinese Migrants in the Stew Pot of Dubai

A Book Review of Chinese in Dubai

The religious environment prompts many Chinese expatriates to do some soul-searching… For Muslims… it has meant being in an environment where they are …part of a majority… They feel the pressure of having to be “good citizens” …as they are unofficial ambassadors.

Supporting Article

China’s Youth and Christianity

An Interview

[…] China to Christ; he will try every way to stop us. Pray for the churches of China, that their leaders would be willing to put in their best effort for the next generation, the youth, instead of being focused on theology or differences or their own little circle. Encourage them to support a youth […]