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Supporting Article

An Appeal to the American Church

A message from Pastor Ezra Jin to the church in America: I know the American church has done a lot, but let me encourage you with one small example from a church in Korea. When I went to South Korea three years ago, Chinese students had just begun arriving. There were less than 20,000. […]


The Chinese Church and the Global Body of Christ

[…] Four and a half years ago when I started this church, I could not have dreamed of what we see happening today. Every Sunday we have about 10-20 newcomers, 80 percent of whom are coming to church for the first time. When I was serving in the TSPM church everyone who attended was older […]

Chinese Articles


The Chinese Church and the Global Body of Christ

金牧师回顾过去的中国教会历史, 从而探讨对现今的教会的影响和现时会面对的改变. 他辨认了六点,即教会将会面对的未来的挑战. 同时, 他也点出北美教会将要面对的挑战.

Chinese Church Voices

Bringing the Gospel to Tibet

<p>A recent article in mainland-based site, <em>The Christian Times</em>, highlights some of the unique challenges of doing mission work among the Tibetan people.</p>

Blog Entries

Robert Ekvall: Living on the Edge

A Book Review of Brave Son of Tibet

Robert and Betty went to the untamed Tibet and built relationships, preparing for themselves and others to move and live in these new areas. Robert was a visionary with deep understanding of the cultures, but also brave, as the title says, facing local robbers, politics, and later, war-haunted China.

Blog Entries

Victor Plymire: A Faith Worth Imitating

<p>This article looks at a few key events in the life of Victor Plymire, a pioneer missionary to Tibet in the early 20th century. My prayer is that this brief glimpse into his life will enlarge your view of God so that your faith would be strengthened and you might pursue God with renewed […]

Blog Entries

Wangdrak’s Rain Boots

A Film Review

<p>For a glimpse of Tibet, for a good story about childhood struggles and a precious friendship, or just for the opportunity to see how something as simple as rain can turn a town upside down, this is a worthy watch.</p>

Blog Entries

Is “Back to Jerusalem” Biblical?

<p><em>The Gospel will be taken to nations by obedient servants who hear God’s voice and devote themselves wholeheartedly to mission. This issue cannot be solved by money or power. In order for Chinese Churches to become missional churches they need sound ministry, systematic training, and an effective mission strategy.</em> Ezra Jin</p>


December 5, 2013

[…] who had been denied permission by the Chinese government to attend the 2010 Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town, South Africa. One of those, Pastor Ezra Jin of the Zion Church in Beijing, wrote an article for the November 2013 issue of the Lausanne Global Analysis, titled A Landmark Encounter: The Significance of […]


Rhythms of Spiritual Praxis as Discipleship from Karma to Atonement among Believers from a Tibetan Buddhist Background

[…] the gospel among Tibetan Buddhist peoples can attest to it being a difficult process. It is said that in 1892 Hudson Taylor said, “To make converts in Tibet is similar to going into a cave and trying to rob a lioness of her cubs.” Even after over 100 years this statement still largely describes […]