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Blog Entries

Keeping a Proper Perspective

From the opening chapter of his work on the proper method of mission practice (Nevius was at least partly inspired by Timothy Richard's work in Shandong), the following quote is a reminder for those of us who have found what we believe to be a better method for working in China to keep a […]


ZGBriefs | June 1, 2017

[…] social media were on the landscape. It’s a convention: You can’t not have an email address. In China however, email never reached the ubiquity it has in other countries. Most Chinese consumers, if they have an email address, seldom use it. Chat, instead, remains the preferred method of communication–between friends, families, colleagues, business partners, and even strangers.

Blog Entries

China in the Mirror: Challenges and Realities

Reflections on China, Part 1: The Context in 2024

[…] first went to China in 1985, serving there until 2012. The level of surveillance and scrutiny of expatriates at that time was high… While the current ministry context, with highly technological surveillance tools, feels restrictive, it appears to be a change in method, rather than a change in concept. We have been here all along.

Blog Entries

The First and the Last Sacrifice


Sharing the gospel with Muslims, including Chinese Muslims, takes a lot of cultural sensitivity. “The First and Last Sacrifice” is one method of sharing the story of Jesus which incorporates references to the Quran, Arabic names, and Islamic concepts to reach Muslims for Christ.

Chinese Church Voices

What Should the Chinese Church Pass on to the Nations Part 2

[…] be rooted in truth, but in imagination. Doing this will result in extinguishing the passion of the Holy Spirit. God will heal, but only according to his methods, his timing, and his agenda. We do not dare to arbitrarily presume to know him!  So what does the view “the guarantee of salvific healing” mean […]

Lead Article

Leader Development

What Is Our Role?

[…] your leaders for you, using our curriculum, our teachers, our funds and we will give you our degrees upon completion. This “we must do it for you” method is largely a remnant of old colonialist missions thinking. It is the “4P” approach. The outsiders supply: The Program (the curriculum) The People (the teachers) The […]

Peoples of China

Church Structure in China

Proposed Questions for Exploration

[…] this specific sub-set (class) of leaders devote themselves to do? Can we see that Ephesians 4:11-6 refers to these leaders? Does the book of Acts support the method of using the modern method of “one person, one vote” to select elders/leaders? What do we think of the traditional method in some Chinese churches, where […]

Blog Entries

6 Approaches to Contextualization in China

[…] “Sino” approach. These thinkers repeatedly stress the utmost importance of making sure their theology is “Chinese.” As a result, they may be criticized for using weak theological methods or minimizing the biblical context. “Sino-theology” is probably the best example of this perspective.2 Especially noteworthy is Malaysian Chinese theologian, K. K. Yeo, who is quite explicit about […]

Supporting Article

China’s Youth and Christianity

An Interview

[…] chats over their cell phones. We use this to reach the youth, sending out texts right before we have meetings. CS: How do the youth respond? What method(s) seems most effective? QQ: They respond very quickly, and information spreads very fast to others. The most effective method is just connecting with them. Keep listening […]


February 21, 2013

[…] plans new medical payment system (February 19, 2013, Shanghai Daily) Patients will be able to "pay after" they receive medical treatment as part of a new payment method, China's Ministry of Health revealed today. According to Jiao Yahui, an official with the MOH medical administration division, more than 20 provincial regions are exploring the […]