Chinese Church Voices

Top 10 Chinese Church Voices Posts in 2021

Chinese Church Voices is an occasional column of the ChinaSource Blog providing translations of original writing by Christians in China. The views represented are entirely those of the original author; inclusion in Chinese Church Voices does not imply or equal an endorsement by ChinaSource.

Today we look back at our readers’ favorite Chinese Church Voices posts from the last year.

  1. Showing the Truths of the Gospel, Graphically, February 2, 2021.
    Artist Beibei Nie counters the lies we tell ourselves with gospel truths
  2. Bread of Life Bakery, March 30, 2021.
    Four Christian women with physical disabilities share how they run Bread of Life Bakery together in a touching video. 
  3. A Chinese Pastor’s Perspective on Church of the Almighty God, March 9, 2021.
    A pastor looks deeply into the Church of the Almighty God to determine whether it is a Christian church or a cult. 
  4. A Letter from a Wuhan Pastor: Continue to Pray with Us, January 26, 2021.
    This letter was on the top 10 list for 2020 as well. We continue to pray for everyone affected by the pandemic.
  5. Saved By a Dream, February 9, 2021.
    In this video testimony, a woman shares how she came to faith after devastating losses through a dream given to her son.
  6. Caring for Orphans: An Interview (1), September 14, 2021.
    Yali describes her experiences caring for disabled orphans.
  7. Does Christian Faith Affect Parenting?, Oct 26, 2021.
    Yes, according to the findings of a recent study. 
  8. Reborn, February 16, 2021.
    A beautiful video describing an artist’s journey from feelings of worthlessness to feeling the love of God.
  9. “Forced Marriage” and Spring Festival: A Christian Film Maker Explores the Pressure on Young People, April 20, 2021.
    Pressure from parents to marry creates a lot of heartache for the younger generation.
  10. Strengthening a Neglected Area, November 2, 2021.
    The online lecture given by Ran Yunfei about the importance of reading Chinese biographies of missionaries is summarized.

We hope you enjoy this look back at 2021!

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Image credit: Gerd Altmann via Pixabay.
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