Tag: Education

Blog Entries

Lighting the Future: A Candle in the Dark, Part 2

More Stories from Chinese Christian Families

Hearing the incredible stories from both the children and their parents, I feel I understand why the Chinese church is once again facing severe oppression… This implicit self-exodus happening in China seems to embody God’s mercy and unfailing love. Without this persecution and oppression, we would undoubtedly lose our children forever; under the communist schemes, our children would be brainwashed and become poorly educated rebels against the truth.

Blog Entries

Christian School Education in China

The suppression of Christian school education, combined with a law that restricts children under 18 from attending Sunday school, severely curtails the ability of the church to disciple its children. This is a strategic space to watch. May the church, and the education and discipleship of its youth, continue to grow. May God continue to open new doors.

Blog Entries

Lighting the Future: A Candle in the Dark

Individual Life Stories from Chinese Christian Families

It brings me great joy to be a part of this journey with these families. Through their incredible stories, I can clearly envision a bright future for mission work in China, facilitated by these resilient children. Despite being pushed out of their home country momentarily, God is lighting up the darkness by providing education based on a biblical worldview.

Blog Entries

Homeschooling in China

A Growing Movement

After prayer and careful consideration, some parents decide to send their children to local schools. Others decide to homeschool. Our family tries to emphasize that both options are great, and the decision is ultimately up to the parents and where they believe God is leading them.

Blog Entries

Unveiling the Crisis of Chinese Youth

Involution, Unemployment, and the Power of Faith

Since 2023, China has been dealing with a 20% youth unemployment rate, which increases to 46.5% when considering the "lying flat" phenomenon. This societal flow, coupled with the culture of involution, has shaped the lives of countless young individuals, hindering innovation. In this context, the stories of three young people vividly illustrate how their paths were molded within the currents of prevailing norms, with some echoing the transformative message of 2 Corinthians 5:17.

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Why the Mother Tongue Matters

The Root of Connection and Cultural Vitality

Language is culture. Our mother tongue keeps our cultural heritage alive. The mother tongue helps us stay connected to our traditional, cultural values and our roots.

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Education for Chinese Christian Families—Another Way

Guardian visas for parents of young children studying abroad have opened another education opportunity for Christian families in China.

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Church Development and Theological Education

Doubtless the vigorous development of theological education since the 1990s is one of the important evidences of the growth of Christianity in China. Besides reflecting the growth of the church, it was itself a factor in the further expansion of the church.

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The Students Who Taught the Teacher

It’s my prayer that one day all Chinese children with challenges like Hannah’s will pray to my God as well as have the educational opportunities they need.

Blog Entries

What China Offers

China has five main service groups currently helping children up to age 20 who have learning disabilities: government organizations, families, private schools and education companies, foreign workers, and local churches.