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Brief Look at Some of Eastern Lightning’s False Teachings

Section four of "Where Did Eastern Lightening Come From." This section looks at some of the teachings of Eastern Lightening.


The International Church Role in Chinese Missionary Sending, Part 1

Strategies for General Partnership between Chinese and International Mission Senders

The Chinese church passionately desires participation in missionary sending. The international church seeks to partner with Chinese missionary senders. In addition to prayer, the international church can support Chinese missionary-senders through resource sharing, mission-sending organization support, and through business cooperation. Chinese medical missionary tentmaking as a business opportunity is examined as a prototype for other potential Chinese tentmaking missionaries. Leadership of Chinese missionary sending efforts must remain in Chinese hands.

Blog Entries

International Students in China—an Unreached Diaspora?

There are nearly half a million international students in China. Is this an invisible and unreached people group?

Chinese Articles



Lead Article

Thinking about Multiplying Migrant Worker Churches in Urbanizing China

After an overview of current trends in migrant worker population growth throughout China, read about the ways that urbanization has influenced the expansion of migrant churches. Finally, discover five ideas to multiply migrant churches.

ChinaSource Perspective

Member Care for Workers from China—a Growing Understanding

Let’s continue to learn from our Chinese brothers and sisters and join with them to support their efforts in bringing the gospel to those who have yet to hear.

Supporting Article

Changing the Rules of the Game

China’s New Era and New Media

The author explores the opportunities as well as negative effects brought by increased freedom of speech allowed in China in recent years. He then discusses why communication ethics and public theology need attention. Finally, he addresses the more recent, stringent regulations and overall tightening of freedom of expression and what is being done to respond to these changes.

Resource Corner

Resources for Learning More about Confucianism and Christianity

An annotated bibliography for further reading on this topic.

Supporting Article

Using New Media for Digital Evangelism on Chinese Cyberspace

Long-time internet missionary, Sean Cheng, discusses the ways that digital evangelism has changed over the last 28 years—from bulletin boards to online forums to blogs to social media. He also addresses the ways that government regulations have created both challenges and opportunities. Finally, he talks about the calling to internet ministry.

Chinese Articles


在我之前发表的文章中,我们已经探讨了国际学生事工(International Student Ministry (ISM))在中国的巨大需求和战略机遇。[1] 但是谁来向他们传讲耶稣基督的福音、谁来训练他们做耶稣基督的门徒、谁来装备他们去传播耶稣基督的福音呢?前路又该如何走呢?