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Eastern Lightning Eschatology

The following eschatological scheme is what I have pieced together from scattered statements in Eastern Lightning writings. It does not seem altogether consistent, and it may not reflect the common understanding among the cult's rank and file.

Toward the Development of Mission-Sending Organization in China

Building the Chinese Missionary Sending Infrastructure

The Chinese church passionately desires participation in missionary sending. Mission sending organization musters the intentionality needed to sustain long-term missionary sending. In this article, I present a three pronged approach to Chinese mission sending organization development.

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China’s Place in the World

Fulton discusses Xi Jinping’s “China Dream” that envisions a new role for China on the world scene. He looks at three arenas where Xi seeks to establish China’s superiority.

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History and Culture in China’s Education

China's history and culture are key factors that help create the environment for education in the country.

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A Decade of Change and Future Prospects

Bryant outlines the four areas in which China has most changed over the past decade. He discusses what these involve and their significance for the church in China.


The International Church Role in Chinese Missionary Sending, Part 2

Strategies for Financial Partnership between Chinese and International Mission Senders

The Chinese church passionately desires participation in missionary sending. The international church seeks to partner with Chinese missionary senders. Finances are one key, but controversial, area of possible collaboration. Funds can become a stumbling block to mission efforts. Discriminating, time-limited use of money to support Chinese missionary sending in the framework of sound principles of financial giving decrease risks of dependency.

Supporting Article

Where Is the Chinese Missionary Movement Headed in the New Era?

Xi Jinping has put forth a grand vision and blueprint for China’s future. The Chinese church is eager to evangelize but over the past ten years has experienced significant restrictions. How then should the church and mission movement in China respond?

Blog Entries

Securitization of Everything

Churches and individual Chinese Christians have felt the impact of this shift to greater emphasis and concern about security. Unregistered churches and groups are seen as threats affecting societal and cultural security. Any foreign connections are seen through a security lens as a potential threat to China’s stability and healthy development.


9 Best Practices for a Chinese Missionary Sending Organization

Strategies to Assist with Chinese Missionary Sustainability

The Chinese church passionately desires participation in missionary sending. Through a survey of the mission sending literature and field research with Chinese missionaries, nine best practices for Chinese mission sending are proposed that may facilitate long-term Chinese missionary sustainability.

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Following Hu?

What are the possibilities regarding the future leadership of China?