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Blog Entries

The Long History of Government Oversight and China’s Church

[…] his religion. However, Tertullian, a lawyer in Carthage, argued that “it is a fundamental human right in accord with man’s nature that everyone may worship in whatever way he wishes. The religion of one man can neither harm nor help another man. Nor indeed is it the business of religion to compel religious worship, […]

Blog Entries

Creating a Truly Chinese Church

[…] yet thoroughly Chinese. This was a frequent criticism of Bishop Ting (Ding Guangxun), the TSPM’s most important leader and spokesperson of the TSPM until his death in 2012. The CCP leadership has issued similar calls for more indigenization, though quite obviously, it sees this first and foremost as a closer alignment of Christian teaching […]

Blog Entries

Be A Better Dad Today

A Book Review

Be a Better Dad Today: Ten Tools Every Father Needs by Gregory Slayton, Regal, 2012. Kindle version available from Amazon for $9.99; other formats also available.  成就好爸爸:男人一生最重要的工作 (Be a Better Dad Today, Chinese version), 2014. Kindle电子书version available from for¥4.99; other formats also available. Kindle电子书version available from for ¥3.99; other formats also available. Reviewed by Barney Ambassador.  Philanthropist.  Venture Capitalist.  Harvard Business School Professor.  […]

Blog Entries

Skills No Longer Needed

[…] that is “home” can be confusing. There is an unlearning—a releasing of some of the strategies that were only needed in a place with different rules and ways of living. We do not return as people who have stayed as we were before we left. There are things to shed; there are things to […]

Blog Entries

Reverse Culture Shock

[…] activities. We became used to it being a time when the whole country stops for a holiday. But now, because we are white and in Australia, our phones are not filled with celebratory messages and photos nor are we welcomed into the celebration. Here it’s a celebration for the Asians in the community, or […]

Blog Entries

Chinese Christians in the New Era—Hope and Overcoming

[…] Nationwide protests against it were sparked by the economic toll of the shutdowns and an avoidable tragedy in Xinjiang province. Rather than being undone in a careful way, as many policies are implemented piecemeal then spread nationwide, Xi’s government abruptly imposed the policy reversal without consultation with local levels, leaving Chinese healthcare workers little […]

Peoples of China

Understanding and Engaging with the Post-Eighties Generation

[…] are largely accustomed to being looked after in their daily living. Childcare arrangements for the children of post-eighties do not appear to have changed in any significant way. Much like their own parents, post-eighties parents also tend to deposit their infant children with the child’s grandparents. In many cases, these parents will take the […]

Supporting Article

The Joy of Generosity

[…] the Lord” (emphasis added). If giving is merely to a church, a ministry, or a needy person, it is only charity; giving to the Lord is al ways an act of worship, expressing love and gratitude to our Creator, Savior, and faithful Provider. Whenever we put something in the offering plate, we should remind […]

Blog Entries

Reading Tea Leaves from the 2021 National Religious Work Conference

What can we learn from the recent conference on religious work? A comparison with the 2018 conference helps tease out key points.

Supporting Article

Lives Transformed and Treasured

[…] family’s eight years of serving among an unreached people group in China, we often felt lost, bewildered, lonely, and discouraged; nevertheless, we never stopped learning about Christ’s way of using every opportunity to train his disciples to know, believe, and understand him. We lived among people who were so different from us, seemingly very […]