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Blog Entries

Pausing to Say Thank You

[…] reminded of that many times. Often when one of us on the ChinaSource team is speaking at a church, attending a conference, or just talking on the phone to someone at a partnering organization, the question arises, “How many people are on your staff?” Without fail the person is surprised by the answer. The […]

Blog Entries

Jesus: The Path to Human Flourishing

A Book Review

[…] and Daoism) and how they in turn contributed to current values. As she gives an introduction to each religion/belief system, she also demonstrates how those worked their way into the values of the cultural Chinese and manifested themselves in the daily workings of their lives. Through these examinations, the author introduces us to many […]

Book Reviews

True Stewardship

[…] back one step and ask, ‘Whose stewards are we? To whom do we owe allegiance in our work?’” Dr. Rodin starts by offering “a Christo-centric epistemology—a Christ-centered way of knowing as the only possible starting point for Christian ethics.”  He moves from there to an understanding of the triune God:  Father, Son and Holy […]


Looking Back to Move Forward

[…] new ChinaSource ebook, View from the Wall: Essays on a Changing China by Huo Shui. Since I am only ten days into my new role with ChinaSource I can’t wait to dive in and I hope you feel the same way! Notes ^ Editor’s note: Kerry Schottelkorb was appointed president of ChinaSource in March 2019

Blog Entries

The Challenge of Ethical Leadership in the Church

[…] have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.  1 John 1:7-10 NIV In a timely and relevant way the editors and writers of this issue have chosen to bring the subject of leadership ethics within the church in China into the light. This is […]

ChinaSource Perspective

Walking in the Light and the Need for Vigilance

[…] have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:7-10 NIV In a timely and relevant way, our editors and writers have chosen to bring the subject of leadership ethics within the church in China into the light. This is a sensitive topic. […]

Blog Entries

Waiting, Praying in His Embrace

[…] prayerful action, no matter what your current situation. If you are like me, you have been stimulated to pray for those you know who are in harm’s way, as well as to ask the Lord for the fullness of his Spirit and a personal readiness regardless of what comes next. Wherever you are in […]

Blog Entries

For Such a Time as This in Real Time

[…] under his power,” got up from the meal, took up a basin and a towel, and afterwards went on to Calvary. But not before he passed by way of the garden of Gethsemane to meet his overwhelming soul moment, and to count the cost one last time. The fact is, we all have our […]

Blog Entries

In the Valley of Vision

Humbled Before Him

[…] toward realigning with Christ’s call. When you declare for the kingdom path, everything needs to be on the table. He is ever calling us to a different way that we know is right, but often feels elusive. That’s why it’s been so good to walk this path in community as a team.  We’re truly […]

Blog Entries

Jingjiao—Not Nestorian

[…] in the hands of the Messiah” (Book of the Lord Messiah, 163-164, 170). (All these texts can be read in translation in Matteo Nicolini-Zani’s recent The Luminous Way to the East from Oxford University Press, 2022). Rather than disparaging this early church, we ought to be thanking God for it. Rather than looking for […]