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Blog Entries

The Final Number Is In!

[…] you all for the exciting December finish to the 2021 fundraising effort. As you may have heard, we finished the year with a matching challenge of US$ 100,000, put forward by two different friends of ChinaSource. The final tally is done, and together, you, our community of support, provided US$136,761.03 toward the challenge and […]

Blog Entries

We’ve Come this Way Before

[…] China ancestor practices are making a comeback. Chengdu pastor Wang Yi mentioned in a recent sermon that 206 million Chinese believe in the existence of ancestral spirits, and 123 million give offerings in their homes to ancestors. A deeper and perhaps more immediate issue concerns filial piety and the question of how Christian young people […]

Blog Entries

From Grey to Grey: Foreign NGOs Feel Their Way Forward in China

News that nearly three dozen foreign NGOs had successfully registered under the new Overseas NGO Law sounded an optimistic note for organizations working in China. Yet, as a recent article in The Diplomat points out, this apparent gain for the overseas NGO community masks the greater realities facing foreign groups as they weigh their options under the new law.

Book Reviews

Following the Servant Role of Jesus

Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility by Duane Elmer. IVP Books, 2006, 212 pages. ISBN-10: 0830833781; ISBN-13: 978-0830833788; paperback, $12.68 or Kindle edition $9.99 at by Mary Ann Cate

Blog Entries

Give and It Will Be Given to You

Engaging and Collaborating

[…] relationships. Among those leaders, ministry practitioners, and resource providers, we have played a catalytic role, making connections through convening, both formal and informal; through referrals; and by way of strategic partnerships and initiatives. We have all heard the statement, “Great things can be accomplished if we don’t care who gets the credit.” Jesus took […]

Blog Entries

Gaining Perspective on the Chinese American Christian Diaspora

[…] Wheaton College Billy Graham Center) did an exceptional job of guest editing the issue and bringing to our attention the history of the Chinese Christian diaspora in North America and the current situation and challenges faced by Chinese American Christians today. ChinaSource president, Kerry Schottelkorb tells us more in his “ChinaSource Perspective” piece for […]

Blog Entries

Greetings from Kerry Schottelkorb

New President of ChinaSource

[…] to partner and serve together in some capacity for the sake of Christ. For me, taking up leadership in ChinaSource is a special privilege. I have al ways loved the calling and work that ChinaSource has been about—engaging and serving Chinese Christian communities, inside China and around the world, facilitating substantial collaboration and partnerships […]

Blog Entries

That They May Be One as We Are One

Engaging and Collaborating

[…] international Christian organizations serving in Asia. Along the way, I had the privilege of collaborating with Brent and the ChinaSource team on several initiatives in Asia and North America and attended many ChinaSource gatherings. I met amazing kingdom people, some of whom I have enjoyed serving alongside for many years. Last week we looked […]

Blog Entries

Thank You, Father! Thank You, Dad!

My father-in-law, Ed, is 93 years old. The last decade of his life has been very hard. His wife and one of his three children have passed a way. He suffered a stroke and can no longer walk. He has very limited eyesight and hearing. The list of painful medical complications is long. He has […]

Blog Entries

Seeking Redemptive Recovery

[…] on people—even globally—has been a stark reminder that there are many fronts to which Christ is calling his church, including reconciliation, repentance, redemption, and restoration.  On the way to recovery from COVID-19 we have been faced with issues that won’t go away even with a scientific answer or medical cure, and certainly not by […]