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Book Reviews

The Untold Story

The Liberating Gospel in China, The Christian Faith among China’s Minority Peoples. by Ralph R. Covell.

A review by Jim Ziervogel

Chinese Articles


A Holistic Perspective on Transforming Nations

当国家受影响而要转型, 那么我们要做什么呢?


ZGBriefs | June 15, 2023

Marriages in China drop to record low despite government push (June 13, 2023, The Guardian) The number of marriages in China last year dropped to 6.83 million, the lowest since records began in 1986. Data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed the number of couples tying the knot in 2022 fell by […]

Lead Article

Religious Statistics in China

Current evidence is that religion is flourishing in China. However, practical problems make statistical statements for the number of religious believers in China quite hazardous. The author cautiously examines the evidence that exists for each of the five, major, officially-recognized religious faiths in China.

Lead Article

Telecommunications and the Internet in China

Among developing countries, China is number one in the pace at which telecommunication services and the Internet are being developed. These developments will contribute enormously to China’s modernization and integration into the global economy and may have significant domestic social and political impact. 

Blog Entries

Chinese Education: From Hallowed to Hollow

For the fourth straight year in row, the number of college hopefuls taking the national university entrance exam, or gaokao, has dropped. Analysts trace the decline to a corresponding drop in the number of children born at the beginning of the last decade due to China's one-child policy. However, the decrease also suggests two realities […]


ZGBriefs | August 27, 2020

[…] 1950s, the iconic green trains are a relic of another age, differing in almost every way from the sleek high-speed rail cars replacing them. Tickets are dirt- cheap. The carriages are crowded, chaotic, and stifling in the summer heat. It can take hours for the lumbering locomotives to chug between cities. Sponsored Link Webinar: […]

Blog Entries

A New Tool – The District Survey

With over 800 million Han Chinese in China (and over 1.2 billion in China as a whole, including minorities), it's one thing for a church or mission group to "adopt" or "engage" the Han - and another to figure out what that means. This is the situation of many groups in the world that […]


July 19, 2012

[…] comics with a broad knowledge of the medium to support me, and even so, I had to learn how to best use the comics in my studies. Rock and Roll in China: An Insiders Journey (July 19, 2012, The Wall Street Journal)The 37-year-old, who spent four years in Beijing as a band promoter, documents […]

Blog Entries

What Triggers Persecution of Christians in China?

According to China Aid Association's 2013 Persecution Report, a total of 7,424 Christians were persecuted in China last year. This is not an insignificant number; 7,424 believers facing persecution is 7,424 too many. However, it is worth looking at this number a bit closer in order to put it into perspective.