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Supporting Article
The Church’s Role with Returnees from China
[…] settings and grow to prefer it. Then, upon returning to one’s home country, it is frequently a return to a culturally monolithic community with a relatively small number of multicultural people. This is particularly true within the church. It is distressing to find friends and family in one’s home country to be more provincial […]
Supporting Article
The Origins of the Chinese Union Version Bible
[…] all, especially women, spurred the growth of literacy in China in a remarkable way. In the 19th century, 99% of women and 90% of men in the north were illiterate. As women began to enter the wide-open door of the church, it became evident that their level of education needed to improve. In order […]
Reconciliation Is Good, But . . .
[…] and other parts of the world explored various ways to relate to these two major segments of the Protestant community in China. In fact, not a small number of the Western churches and their institutions have obviously treated the reconciliation of the TSPM and house church as one of the starting points and ultimate […]
Supporting Article
Fatherhood, a Sacred Leadership Calling
[…] could not give up for the Lord? Such determination is admirable, but such a “charging in” also creates challenges that must be faced. In recent years, the number of missionaries and their families who have been derailed or even completely destroyed in missionary service has reached distressing, heart-wrenching levels. One of the subjects that […]
When the “Golden Age” Is Over
A Call for Missiological Reflection on China Missions of the Past Four Decades
[…] valuable missiological reflection will be done, and valuable lessons drawn such as what happened in the 1950s and afterwards? When we take a closer look at how North American-based missions agencies respond to the changes in China, we do have reason to doubt. Expelled from the country, many foreign workers and agencies have demonstrated […]
China in the Mirror: Challenges and Realities
Reflections on China, Part 1: The Context in 2024
I first went to China in 1985, serving there until 2012. The level of surveillance and scrutiny of expatriates at that time was high… While the current ministry context, with highly technological surveillance tools, feels restrictive, it appears to be a change in method, rather than a change in concept. We have been here […]
Resilience and Renewal
The Shifting Landscape of Hong Kong's Church
[…] are multifaceted, including the church’s political stance, power struggles within the church, generational conflicts, and pressure from work and family life. Local churches have lost a large number of 30- to 40-year-old Christians, who were supposed to be the future of the church. The Hong Kong church is aging, and the retirement wave and […]
Skills No Longer Needed
[…] that they do not belong in this multicultural society. When in a park, being aware at every moment of who is near my children and whether their phone is pointing at them. At the same time, monitoring the pulse of my children’s stress levels. Do they notice the attention on them and, today, do […]
Peoples of China
China’s Migrant Children
[…] Global Times, Feb 25, 2010. 3If “left behind” children of migrant workers, who remain in the villages without parental care, are included in these statistics, the number rises to 30 million total migrant children in China, comprising 20% of the compulsory school-aged student population. “Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from […]
A Servant Is Not Greater than His Master
[…] we glorify him until God calls us home to be with him. I am also constantly reminded of Revelation 6:11. There seems to be a set number of disciples who will be martyred for the name of Jesus. Only God knows who they are and how many there will be. Theologian Tertullian wrote […]