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Blog Entries

The Final Number Is In!

Thanks to all our wonderful friends and donors, we are looking forward to what 2022 will bring with renewed energy for our kingdom calling.

Lead Article

Change, Stasis and Opportunity

Exploring Chinas Developmental Trajectory

[…] the fears of air pollution or inflation are more likely to drive out expatriate Christian workers than the Chinese government. Global Position The Red River of the north is notorious for spring flooding. Unlike flooding in other regions, with flash floods, hurricanes and a terrain that worsens the outcome, the northern plains are flat. […]

Blog Entries

A Black Hole or a House of Gold?

[…] “route runners”) in the Chinese-speaking world. According to news reports, in 2023 alone, approximately 50,000 of these travelers from China entered the US through the border, a number that vastly exceeds the total of the previous decade. In October 2022, the pastoral and leadership team at the House of Joy Christian Church in San […]

Peoples of China

Understanding and Engaging with the Post-Eighties Generation

[…] with their parents, post-eighties children were often accompanied by their grandparents who would relocate in order to continue living with them until they finished high school. A number of factors combined to produce this situation. To begin with, it was a very pragmatic arrangement. As retirees, grandparents usually had sufficient time to provide care […]

Blog Entries

The Chinese Church May Be More Complex than You Thought

[…] profile confrontation with the authorities, others prefer a low-profile, less confrontational stance. There are also some churches who embrace and preach the prosperity gospel, and substitute “ cheap grace” for bearing the cross. For the house church in China, the threat of consumerism and materialism is real and growing. In addition, there are plenty […]

Blog Entries

The Chinese Church in Transition

[…] removal of church crosses, the shutting-down of large urban house churches’ sanctuaries, the unprecedented tightening of control over registered and unregistered churches alike, expulsion of a large number of foreign cross-cultural workers, plateauing of church growth, and so forth. There is no doubt that all these incidents point to a very concerning trend and […]

Blog Entries

Reading Tea Leaves from the 2021 National Religious Work Conference

What can we learn from the recent conference on religious work? A comparison with the 2018 conference helps tease out key points.

Supporting Article

Catholic Social Thought

A Contribution to Civil Society in Contemporary China

[…] realizing the global common good with equitable justice and peace for all peoples. The Gospel and Social Service in China Today It is a common lament in North America that Catholic Social Thought is a “well kept secret.” It will not be surprising, therefore, to learn that knowledge of and appreciation for the Church’s […]

Blog Entries

Wendy Blazes a Trail

[…] Although we are not an adoption agency, we have helped over 900 families adopt from China, and have had many of “our children” adopted into families in North America, Europe, New Zealand, and China. In addition to working with orphans, we foster good will by encouraging teams from around the world to visit our […]

Blog Entries

“China Is Not Russia”

[…] Fulton and our excellent board members to shape the ethos, brand, and the values of what has become ChinaSource today.   During those early days we made a number of strategic decisions. The first was to begin holding one meeting a year in Asia preferably in China.  At that time this was rarely done and we […]