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Looking Back to Move Forward
The ancient texts include scores of reasons and contexts for why God calls on his people to remember. Often, the vistas before us become clearer only after we have taken time to look back and reflect on how we came to this place. As we have now entered the Lenten Season, I am once again […]
The Challenge of Ethical Leadership in the Church
<p>Looking ahead to the 2019 summer issue of <em>ChinaSource Quarterly, "Leadership Ethics."</em></p>
ChinaSource Perspective
Walking in the Light and the Need for Vigilance
A word from the president of ChinaSource.
Waiting, Praying in His Embrace
It is a time to wait on the Holy Spirit as we seek him in the name of our Savior and by the power of his word, to inform, guide, strengthen, and sustain his “called out ones” and to pray for healing and protection for those who have been afflicted or are vulnerable.
For Such a Time as This in Real Time
Even as the world is facing the worst pandemic in a century, I believe the Lord has given ChinaSource an important calling to continue helping forge collaborative oneness in Christ between the church in China and the global church, while amplifying Chinese church voices and bringing understanding to the church in the West.
In the Valley of Vision
Humbled Before Him
The Puritans described it as the place “where I live in the depth, but see thee in the heights . . . that valley is the place of vision.”
Seeking Redemptive Recovery
A challenge and prayer for each of us seeking the God of recovery and revival.
ChinaSource Perspective
No Ordinary People
We are privileged to be introduced to men, women, and children who have experienced, and continue to experience, crushing loss through separation and discrimination. We hear their stories of perseverance, courage, and transformation in Christ.
Drinking from a Deep Well
[…] serving the community is also a mission to fulfill” (Caleb Ai). On the one hand, “for the foreseeable future the expatriate ministry within China will be smaller in numbers and scope.” On the other hand, “the immigration process has never been more streamlined for qualified candidates.” Ultimately, “the real danger at present is that God’s people will […]
ChinaSource Perspective
A Deep Well
[…] serving the community is also a mission to fulfill” (Caleb Ai). On the one hand, “for the foreseeable future the expatriate ministry within China will be smaller in numbers and scope.” On the other hand, “the immigration process has never been more streamlined for qualified candidates.” Ultimately, “the real danger at present is that God’s people will […]