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A Look Back to Look Forward

A Decade of ChinaSource

[…] an update on China’s growing urban church that is taking a variety of forms. In addition, we introduce you to the new ChinaSource website and recommend the 2010 Prayer Calendar. Throughout the years, ChinaSource has provided a variety of resources designed to aid and enhance your China service. As one of those resources, the […]

Supporting Article

How China’s Religious Affairs Bureaucracy Works

The author helps us to understand the workings of the religious affairs bureaucracy first by following the story of an aspiring pastor, then by viewing them historically. The Chinese Protestant Three-Self Patriotic Movement Association, China Christian Council, Religious Affairs Bureau and United Front Work Department are all discussed along with how they interact, lines of authority and the role of guanxi.

Blog Entries

Americans Drive on the Left and Other Truths I’ve Learned

[…] you can come to China and impress everyone by saying you caught a fish THIS BIG. “Americans Drive on the Left and Other Truths I’ve Learned” was originally published at small town laowai on May 8, 2015. Header image courtesy of Traffic (are you ready?) by Marianna, on Flickr Text images courtesy of small town laowai

Blog Entries

Chinese Christians in the New Era—Hope and Overcoming

[…] the Japanese invasion in the 1930s to protect their congregations and lost their lives as a result.  Swells is right, of course, that a focus on the numbers of converts was always misplaced; the focus should always be on the faithfulness and integrity of those who do convert, not on whether they are numerous […]

Blog Entries

The 2023 Regulations for Religious Activity Site Registration

What the Party Doesn’t Want You to Know

[…] from the last question and work backward, from the larger context to the issue of religions. Since Xi Jinping was selected to be China’s top leader in 2012, the People’s Republic of China has entered the End of Era, as a recent book by scholar Carl Minzner put it.1 Students of Chinese politics and […]

Blog Entries

Official Protestant Groups Plan Next Five Years of Sinicization

What Does the TSPM/CCC 5-Year Plan Tell Us about the Direction of Official Protestantism?

[…] plans like any other Communist Party organization? What is new about this five-year plan? In this analysis, I compared the 2023–2027 plan1 with the previous plan2 for 2018–2022 to see what’s new and what is the same. The most important conclusion is that the TSPM/CCC now lays far greater emphasis on political loyalty to […]


ZGBriefs | June 15, 2023

Marriages in China drop to record low despite government push (June 13, 2023, The Guardian) The number of marriages in China last year dropped to 6.83 million, the lowest since records began in 1986. Data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed the number of couples tying the knot in 2022 fell by […]

Lead Article

Religious Statistics in China

Current evidence is that religion is flourishing in China. However, practical problems make statistical statements for the number of religious believers in China quite hazardous. The author cautiously examines the evidence that exists for each of the five, major, officially-recognized religious faiths in China.

Lead Article

Telecommunications and the Internet in China

Among developing countries, China is number one in the pace at which telecommunication services and the Internet are being developed. These developments will contribute enormously to China’s modernization and integration into the global economy and may have significant domestic social and political impact. 

Blog Entries

Chinese Education: From Hallowed to Hollow

For the fourth straight year in row, the number of college hopefuls taking the national university entrance exam, or gaokao, has dropped. Analysts trace the decline to a corresponding drop in the number of children born at the beginning of the last decade due to China's one-child policy. However, the decrease also suggests two realities […]