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Chinese Education

From Hallowed to Hollow

[…] national university entrance exam, or gaokao, has dropped. Analysts trace the decline to a corresponding drop in the number of children born at the beginning of the last decade due to China’s one-child policy. However, the decrease also suggests two realities facing young people in China today. The promise of college education is not […]

Blog Entries

The Facts about the Church in China

Facts about the church in China may be more readily available than they were 10 or 15 years ago. But more information does not necessarily produce greater clarity. Often the opposite results.

View From the Wall

China in 2020

Vol. 9, No. 3

[…] world, there are Chinese people energetically pursuing their various activities. China is no longer synonymous just with Chinese restaurants featuring all kinds of tasty delicacies, or with cheap consumer goods sold in discount stores. China already possesses the power to seriously influence world markets; to affect the decisions of the United Nations; even to […]

Blog Entries

Coming to Terms with the Church

An article that appeared last month in China's official press raises interesting questions about how the church in China is viewed by both the Chinese state and society.

Blog Entries

Unmasking China’s “Official” Church

China's "official" churches (those operating under the auspices of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement) are fairly often associated with terms such as "restrictive," "government- sanctioned," or even "Communist-controlled." Granted, one does not have to look too far within China's religious bureaucracy and its associated policies and practices to find evidence that would justify such notions. […]

The Lantern

Toward a Flourishing Society

Last month ChinaSource co-sponsored The Intellectual and Ethical Foundations of the Flourishing Society, a conference hosted by Acton Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Blog Entries

Flying against the Wind

Nestled in a spring-fed valley in the desert northeast of Los Angeles, St. Andrew’s Abbey is a long way from its roots in Chengdu. The only living link that remains is Brother Peter Zhou Bangjiu, a 91-year-old Sichuan native who rejoined the abbey in 1985 following his release from a Chinese labor camp.

Blog Entries

Who Moved My Church?

[…] an end. Christians are now much more diffused throughout the world than they ever have been; yet they are also much more diffused within societies. Despite burgeoning numbers of new Christians, we are not seeing many new Christian states, certainly not in the manner of old Christendom. No longer does the word Christianity have […]

ChinaSource Perspective

The Great Repositioning

[…] opportunities created by China’s Belt and Road Initiative have resulted in a significant increase in the Chinese populations of many African and Middle Eastern countries. Meanwhile, the number of Chinese attempting to cross the border between Mexico and the United States has skyrocketed. In many ways the scenes that characterize Chinese migration today bring […]


Whose Agenda

[…] his best-selling book that sparked the current interest in the BTJ movement, Paul Hattaway was careful to identify 100,000 workers as a vision. However, since the only number given in the whole book is 100,000, many among the Western Christian public assumed 100,000 missionaries are ready to be commissioned or have already been sent. […]