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Blog Entries

New Media Missions: Igniting Mission Life

Our social networks serve as a conduit for others to understand our lives, our faith, and the transformative impact of our beliefs. New media offers the most accessible, effective, and personal means for interaction and connection. Our virtual community becomes our broadest mission field, accessible to all for engagement.


New Directions in the New Era

[…] kind of shift is harder to sense in the unfolding history of a country or culture. Fortunately, China’s leaders have named and defined the start of the New Era (2012) as an inflection point for China’s development. Building on the articles in the winter 2022 ChinaSource Quarterly, in this issue we continue reflecting on […]

The Lantern

A New “Quarterly” and a New Website

[…] two. However, as outgoing World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe remarked recently following a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, we are seeing a new era in the relationship between Evangelicals and Catholics. According to Tunnicliffe, “While there are some ongoing tensions, this new era is an acknowledgment that there are […]

Supporting Article

New Media and the Church

How WeChat Changes the Dynamics between the Registered Church and Other Believers

[…] China closed their doors in late January due to the developing coronavirus epidemic, the distinctions between registered and unregistered churches dwindled. Both had to shift quickly to new formats, adjust to new platforms, and adapt to being the church without the benefit of physical gathering. Of course, Italy soon followed, and US churches were […]

Lead Article

An Overview of the History of Chinese Christian Communities in New Zealand

Vogel describes the history of Christian mission and ministry among the Chinese in New Zealand. He tells us what has been accomplished in the past, what the present situation is, and new areas of challenge that have emerged.


China’s Next Generation

New China, New Church, New World

[…] a difference a decade makes! Over the last ten years the nation of China and the Chinese church have changed significantly; so has the world. It’s a new China. It’s a new church. It’s a new world. China’s Cultural Revolution that ended in the late 1970s was followed by a 20-year-long spiritual harvest spanning […]

Blog Entries

Old Rhetoric, New Normal

What's really new in the "new normal" of today's China?

Book Reviews

Exploring New Zealand’s Rich Christian Heritage

Bible & Treaty: Missionaries among the Māori—A New Perspective: A Book Review

Bible & Treaty tells the story of how the gospel first came to the Māori and details the rich Christian heritage of Aotearoa New Zealand. In addition, it is a story that resonates with the story of mission in China and elsewhere.

Blog Entries

The Chinese Diaspora in New Zealand and the Gospel

There is a renewed sense that God is calling the Chinese church in New Zealand to be part of the global advancement of the gospel. They may be geographically isolated, but they have a key role to play in what God is doing worldwide.

Blog Entries

Opportunities and Challenges During Chinese New Year

How should Chinese Christians celebrate Chinese New Year? What’s the best way to live out the gospel during the celebrations? A pastor from mainland China reflects on these questions.