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Rethinking Church in Today’s World
[…] her fingertips. Thus the church must cultivate critical thinking and discernment among believers, since information can no longer be managed or contained. Similarly, social media has given today’s youth the opportunity to participate in and meaningfully contribute to conversations online. For those who want a voice, old models of quietly learning from the pastor […]
God Continues to Speak Tibetan
[…] these works. Looking at the Tibetan language from a big picture, spoken Tibetan exists in the many oral dialects found in the Central, Kham, and Amdo regions. Today there also exists a diaspora dialect among Tibetans living around the world. Literary Tibetan exists in its pre-1950 classical form as well as its modern literary […]
A New Christmas Film: Why the Nativity?
[…] timeless tale of the greatest gift of love and peace in an unstable world. A literal turning point in human history and the power of its influence today. Why the Nativity? is a fascinating presentation of biblical history with stunning visual dramatics creating an unforgettable journey through the wonders of Christmas! Why the Nativity? […]
A Watershed Moment for Global Chinese Christianity
A Reader's Response to the 2024 Spring CSQ
[…] mentioning. For those dedicated to researching and serving the Chinese Christian community, they must develop the capacity to discern the deep spiritual and secular determinants associated with today’s Chinese diaspora and how these factors interact with the Christian faith. On one hand, among this wave of immigrants, especially those from Hong Kong with BN(O) […]
Lead Article
Interconnected: China’s Youth and the Internet
What impact is technology and instant communication having on China's youth?
中国教会的出路 – 儿童 / 青少年信徒的牧养与关顾
A Generation Saved; A Future Found
CSQ Article
Might Christians and Confucians Actually Agree about Human Nature?
Theological Contextualization in China
For centuries, both Christianity and Confucianism have each sought to reconcile two families of ideas within their belief systems. The author suggests that these two ideologies may have a great deal in common.