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Supporting Article

Single Women Ministering in China

The author looks briefly at pertinent facts regarding a woman’s role in China, in the church, and for single women serving in the church. She details seven motivating factors that keep single women active in ministry.

Book Reviews

A Pentecostal Perspective on the Chinese Union Version

[…] Presbyterian Mission, Chuancey Goodrich, a Congregational missionary, and F. W. Baller, a Baptist missionary. Jenny Everts, “Tongues or Languages? Contextual Consistency in the Translation of Acts 2,” <em>Journal of Pentecostal Theology</em> Vol. 2 Issue 4 (1994): 71-80. <em>Annual Report of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom</em>, 16-17, available at: <a href="">Annual Reports | USCIRF</a>.

Blog Entries

Pentecostal Theology and the Chinese Church

[…] Watchman Nee’s Little Flock (Xiao Qun), as well as a number of smaller groups that are largely reformed in theology and follow the cessationist teaching of the Indonesian-based Chinese pastor, Stephen Tong. Why have Chinese Christians gravitated toward Pentecostal forms of belief and praxis? A host of explanations have been offered. For example, Hunter […]

Blog Entries

Preparing to Teach English in China?

Training and tools to help you get ready.

Blog Entries

Cultural Identity—East vs West

Or Why They Cause Me Stress

In Asia I experienced a lot of cultural stress but didn’t know why. Not only was I trying to adjust to a different culture, but I was also dealing with unconscious American and Japanese cultural values.

Blog Entries

Chinese vs American Family

Don’t Tell Me What to Do!

[…] who tell you what to do? How can your understanding of the Chinese family structure change your American cultural value of an individual identity in order to promote the gospel message? More information can be found in Tapestry of Grace: Untangling the Cultural Complexities of Asian American Life and Ministry, Ben Shin and Sheryl […]

Blog Entries

The Importance of Filial Piety

Especially at a Distance

Our friends in Asia suspected that we did not want to take care of our family members, our parents in particular, and so we came to their country. They couldn’t understand that we had come for any other reason.

Blog Entries


Or, Do I Have to Give Them Something to Make Friends?

When we lived in Asia, I was constantly asked for things and especially for money. Being a typical American, I was offended with their constant asking. I discovered later that asking for favors was a means of developing relationships.

Blog Entries

Reciprocity—Goes Both Ways and Keeps on Going

Building relationships through sharing resources.

Blog Entries

Saving Face

In Chinese culture the concept of face is a very important part of social interaction and is specific to the group or family to which the person belongs.