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Blog Entries

Book Review: Children of the Massacre

The Extra-ordinary Story of the Stewart Family in Hong Kong and West China

[…] 1894) died along with their parents. In that sense, not all of the Stewarts who lived experienced the massacre, but their lives were certainly all impacted. The use of Chinese interspersed through the book demarcating shifts in the account is not initially obvious and at no point is any explanation given, which may perplex […]

Blog Entries

An Unwelcomed Journey Out of China

[…] in the US, but it blessed us with the stability and autonomous space we needed. I could easily bridge my education, training, and line of work—education—between the United States and China. As we waited to see what happened with China, I substitute taught in our local school district throughout the 2020-2021 school year and […]

Blog Entries

Expecting Great Things from God

A Chinese Couple’s Testimony

[…] Quarterly, “The Pentecostal Church in China,” coming out in June. The phrase “expect great things, attempt great things” is generally attributed to William Carey. See <a href=",his%20Baptist%20colleagues% 20to%20enter%20the%20missionary%20enterprise.">Expect Great Things; Attempt Great Things (</a>. A denomination or group of churches that was established in Anyang, Henan in May 1998 which has grown rapidly since […]

Blog Entries

The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and Chinese Christianity

[…] patriarchal church culture, while gradually shrinking in the American market, has gained significant traction in Chinese churches, especially given that Chinese Christians wish to “align” with the United States in Christianity. Today, the main theological resources of Chinese Christianity come from American evangelicalism. However, frankly speaking, there has not yet been a comprehensive understanding […]

Lead Article

The Need for Innovation and Digital Transformation

[…] became a necessity when many educational institutions went online during COVID-19. Indigitous has taken the virtual cohort model and created digital missions cohorts where young adults can use their marketplace skills and work together with mission organizations. Indigitous has set up virtual cohorts as an internship that is like a short-term missions trip done […]

Book Reviews

Listening to the Heart

A Book Review

[…] all paths to success led away from the village” (131)just as her grandfather left his lo ja and a strand of the family ended up in the United States. The book throws up a number of questions. To what extent does the loosening of roots that seems to inevitably occur in migration lead to […]

Supporting Article

China – Here We Are!

[…] for keeping in touch, but it can seriously erode time that would be better used in building up friendships where you are. Similarly, despite the increasingly widespread use of cars, going via public transportation or bicycle are good ways of being less isolated and provide opportunities to talk to people. Enquire A good way […]

Blog Entries

Our First 13 Days

[…] charge. We cannot promise your landlord will do likewise, however, so thoroughly check before agreeing. Sleeping Many people in China sleep on a bamboo mat. If they use a mattress, it is usually much harder than the Western counterpart. If your apartment comes with a mattress, you will probably think it uncomfortable. (A two-inch […]

Blog Entries

Out of China: How the Chinese Ended the Era of Domination

A Book Review

[…] presence in the rural areas, reported about the harshness of country life and conducted surveys of the communities. Among them, differences in approach were developing with the use of the “Social Gospel” in which social welfare initiatives were increasingly promoted. Christians had to be seen as “adding value.” It was at this time that […]

Supporting Article

Denominationalism—A Double-edged Sword

[…] for themselves (such as the Puritans), and continually romanticize the representations and actions of these “godly” examples, creating a self-presumed orthodox theology in their own minds. They use this set model and standard to evaluate other believers and denominations; those who match the model and standard are called orthodox, and those who do not […]