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Blog Entries

What Is the Gospel and Its Implications for Second Generation Chinese Youth

The gospel of grace taught in the home and at church is vital for reaching Chinese American youth.

Blog Entries

Developing and Modeling a Biblical Worldview

If we believe God's word is true, we should not shy away from letting second generation youth ask questions. If students are free to ask questions in a safe environment, and are given Biblical answers, their faith will grow.

Blog Entries

Additional Factors for Reaching the 2nd Generation and a Challenge

Principles for reaching second generation Chinese Americans—for parents and churches.

Blog Entries

A Chinese Church in Maryland Serving around the World

The pandemic caught all of us by surprise and has limited our travels and our opportunities for being with people in person. Yet the all-wise and all-powerful God continues to be at work, helping us to be creative, and to take steps of faith as we try many things for the first time.


Rhythms of Spiritual Praxis as Discipleship from Karma to Atonement among Believers from a Tibetan Buddhist Background

Anyone who has spent significant time attempting to share the truths of the gospel among Tibetan Buddhist peoples can attest to it being a difficult process. It is said that in 1892 Hudson Taylor said, “To make converts in Tibet is similar to going into a cave and trying to rob a lioness of her cubs.” Even after over 100 years this statement still largely describes the situation well.

This thesis specifically looks at the causes of apostasy and the potential role of rhythmic Christian spiritual practices for deeper and transformational discipleship.

Blog Entries

Discipleship from Karma to Atonement

A New Resource on ResearchShare.

What is needed for effective discipleship among Tibetan Buddhist background believers?

Supporting Article

Using New Media for Digital Evangelism on Chinese Cyberspace

[…] before the new regulations. Today, many Chinese Christians are still using WeChat to share biblical content and evangelistic articles—at least links if not full texts. Some use coded words and pinyin initial abbreviations in text to get around the censorship (e.g., “JH” for church and “JDT” for Christians). Chinese Christians organize and share information […]

Blog Entries

How Are Your TCKs Doing?

In the past 18 months, our family has lived in six borrowed homes in two states. This has been the result of planning, packing, obtaining visas, multiple COVID tests, and then being denied the needed green code twice in our attempts to return to China


ZGBriefs | December 31, 2015

A Chinese Company in India, Stumbling Over a Culture (December 30, 2015, The New York Times)
Chinese companies have embarked on ambitious overseas expansion efforts, snapping up land in dozens of countries to build factories, industrial parks, power plants and other operations. While the investments provide critical support for many economies, Chinese businesses […]

Blog Entries

Where is China Going?

Statistics released by Beijing think tank in January reveal that emigration from China is at its highest level ever, with 9.34 million leaving the Mainland in 2013. China is the world's fourth largest country for emigration, coming behind, India, Mexico, and Russia.