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View From the Wall

Public Theology in China

Some Preliminary Reflections

[…] the West, unsurprisingly, took on different characteristics. In today’s China, both the state-run Protestant church and its Catholic counterpart are part of the religious department of the centralized communist authorities. Their official names are, respectively, the Christian Three Self Patriotic Movement and the China Christian Council, and the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association and the […]

Blog Entries

Our First 13 Days

If you ever move to a major city in Southwest China to study an obscure language at a Chinese university, perhaps the following insights from our first thirteen days will aid your transition.

Blog Entries

Seeing Trees for the First Time

My good friend and former student's father drove. The dirt road, only forged in the last year or so, made the ride tremendously bumpy and kept travel slow. The road wound through scores of vast, grassy valleys, each curve bringing my wife, me, and our friend to an area that looked so similar to the last we wondered if we were driving in circles.

Blog Entries

A Conversation among Reviewers

A Book Review

A discussion of From Christ to Confucius: German Missionaries, Chinese Christians, and the Globalization of Christianity, 1860-1950.

Blog Entries

Re-Thinking Technology’s Impact

What influence does technology have on us, our lives, and the church in China? Our attitudes toward technology may hold the answer.

Blog Entries

From Kuan Yin to Chairman Mao

A Book Review

[…] of God as supreme over all other spiritual beings. Lauren Pfister, Professor Emeritus at Hong Kong Baptist University, has also demonstrated monotheistic belief independent of Christian influence promoted by at least one Ru (Confucian) scholar in the 19th century, Luo Zhongfan. This further indicates that at least some religious traditions in China contain elements […]

Blog Entries

The Inconvenience of Incarnational Ministry

Yes, we can use WeChat and many other ways to speak Life to our personal networks of image-bearers. But we speak best, truest, and fullest in the flesh.

Blog Entries

An Unwelcomed Journey Out of China

[T]he Almighty invites us to trust and remember that he appoints the when and where of our life. We struggle in faith to respond as Job did in the face of his own adversity: You brought us into China, and you brought us out of China.

Blog Entries

Language vs. Attitude

If you intend to live and work in China, France, or wherever, check your attitude. With an attitude of acceptance, participation, immersion, you will not only develop meaningful relationships, but language acquisition will be enhanced.

Blog Entries

How to Learn a Language, Part 1

Criteria for Success

What is essential for successful language learning?