Results for: Spirit+Airlines+++1+800-299-7264++Flight+Cancellation+Phone+Number

Showing results for spirit airlines 800 299 726 flight cancellation phone number spirit airlines 8279 800 299 726 8279-70-8 8279-70-8 airlines 800 299 726 airlines 8279 8 800 299 726 800 299 726 8279 800 299 726

Blog Entries

The Holy Spirit at Work in China’s Churches

Reflections on the 2023 Summer CSQ

Entrusting the development of Christianity in China entirely to Almighty God and following his will alone in leading Chinese Christians in the twenty-first century is undoubtedly the most important path to experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit.

Supporting Article

Spirit-Empowered Chinese House Churches (2)

Urban Revival

Liu tells us about Mission China 2030, revival, spiritual gifts, Chinese houses of prayer, and persecution among China’s urban house churches during recent years.

Supporting Article

Spirit-Empowered Chinese House Churches (1)

Rural Revival

Editor’s note: This two-part article is adapted with permission from Evan J. Liu, “The Spirit-Empowered Mission of Chinese House Churches,” in The Remaining Task of the Great Commission & The Spirit-Empowered Movement, eds. Wonsuk Ma and Opoku Onyinah.1 Part 2 regarding urban revival follows. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has […]

Supporting Article

“The Spirit in Fire and Wind”

An Opportunity for Silent Artists to Converse

[…] at once. The ruins of constructing and demolishing fill the void in the land, the society, and the heart-mind. On the ruins, however, there also blows the spiritual wind and burning holy fire. Where there is the blowing wind of the spirit, the holy fire destroys, purifies, and protects, but also kindles the soul, […]

Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Christians Pray following the China Eastern Airlines Crash

On Tuesday, March 22, China Eastern Flight MU5735 crashed about an hour into the flight. There were no survivors. China’s commercial airlines have not had a major disaster in recent years and so this has drawn the attention of people both inside and outside of China. Christians in China have responded to the tragedy […]

Blog Entries

How Can Chinese Christians Foster a Reformation Spirit?

[…] faith alone Sola Scriptura, by Scripture alone Solus Christus, through Christ alone Sola Gratia, by grace alone Soli Deo Gloria, glory to God alone They typify the spirit of the Reformation. This wisdom was bequeathed to the church in succeeding generations. The wisdom of one generation becomes the tradition of later generations. We rightly […]

Blog Entries

Islam has the largest number of under-30 believers in China?

Christian Today has posted an article with this headline: “Islam is the most popular religion for under-30s in China." The lead says: Islam has the largest number of young believers in China, new research has found, despite the growth of Christianity in the country and an atheist government. The China Religion Survey 2015, released […]

Blog Entries

Matter & Spirit: A Chinese/American Art Exhibition

“What is the place of the spiritual in contemporary life, particularly in highly materialistic—and increasingly secular—cultures, like the US and China?” This is how the brochure that accompanies the exhibition Matter & Spirit: A Chinese/American Art Exhibition begins. This is, of course, too big of a question for such an exhibit to provide a […]

The Lantern

Sensing the Spirit and Observing the Season

[…] the global community.  (From the History section of the ChinaSource website.) From its founding, the ministry of ChinaSource has been led by a strong sense of the Holy Spirit and a keen observation of opportunities to serve God’s people. It is this grounding ethos that has sustained our work over the years and positioned ChinaSource to […]