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Book Reviews

Building a Nation

Fuzhou Protestants and the Making of a Modern China 1857-1927 by Ryan Dunch. 

Reviewed by Jason Kindopp


ZGBriefs | June 29, 2017

Is a Buddhist Group Changing China? Or Is China Changing It? (June 24, 2017, The New York Times)
Across China, millions of people like Ms. Shen have begun participating in faith-based organizations like Fo Guang Shan. They aim to fill what they see as a moral vacuum left by attacks on traditional values over the past century, especially under Mao, and the nation’s embrace of a cutthroat form of capitalism.

Blog Entries

My ChinaSource Story

I met Dr. Brent Fulton in the spring of 2008 at a ChinaSource consultation in Shenzhen. 

Blog Entries

Returnees and the Church in China

What we need is the word of God’s grace, which is more than able to ensure that returnees not only survive, but thrive, as committed members of churches back in China. 

Blog Entries

A Long Journey in the Same Direction with ChinaSource

I am a ChinaSource junkie! Since the early days of the China Challenge events I was hooked. 


ZGBriefs | October 13, 2022

How Xi Will Consolidate Power at China’s Twentieth Party Congress (October 5, October 5, 2022, Council on Foreign Relations) At the Chinese Communist Party meeting, leader Xi Jinping will likely receive a third term. Here’s what that could mean for his control of China and the party.

Lead Article

History and Culture in China’s Education

China's history and culture are key factors that help create the environment for education in the country.

Supporting Article

“Spiritual Pollution” in the Chinese Church?

The impact of philosopy, both from the east and the west, on the church in China.


October 31, 2013

Urbanizing Chinas Ethnic Minorities (August 14, 2013, Andrew Stokals)

Chinas urbanization push has been in the headlines recently. Of course after 30 years, Chinas urbanization is not exactly fresh news. But recent reports of opposition to Chinas urbanization plan underscore just how integral urbanization is to the most pressing issues facing China now: 1. Maintaining economic growth through consumer spending, 2. Reducing the income disparity between urban and rural areas, 3. Growing Municipal and local government debt. One area that receives less attention is the issue of forced urbanization in ethnic minority regions, such as those home to Tibetan and Uighur populations.


ZGBriefs | March 17, 2016

A short documentary: The end of the Chinese miracle (March 9, 2016, Financial Times)
China's economic miracle is under threat from a slowing economy and a dwindling labour force. The FT investigates how the world's most populous country has reached a critical new chapter in its history. Jamil Anderlini narrates.