Results for: Delta+Airlines+++800-299-7264+Flight+Booking+Number

Showing results for delta airlines 800 299 726 flight booking number delta airlines 8279 800 299 726 8279-70-8 8279-70-8 airlines 800 299 726 airlines 8279 8 800 299 726 800 299 726 8279 800 299 726

Supporting Article

Hope for HIV/AIDS in China

[…] as He strengthens His church, exalts the gospel of grace and reaches out to the suffering and marginalized peoples of China through HIV/AIDS ministries. Notes ^ See Rethinking AIDS Prevention; Learning from Successes in Developing Countries by Edward C. Green, (Praeger Publishers, 2003), ISBN 0- 86569-316-1. Image credit: aids 02 by Shoko Muraguchi via Flickr. 


A Look Back to Look Forward

A Decade of ChinaSource

A word from the managing editor.

Supporting Article

How China’s Religious Affairs Bureaucracy Works

The author helps us to understand the workings of the religious affairs bureaucracy first by following the story of an aspiring pastor, then by viewing them historically. The Chinese Protestant Three-Self Patriotic Movement Association, China Christian Council, Religious Affairs Bureau and United Front Work Department are all discussed along with how they interact, lines of authority and the role of guanxi.

Blog Entries

Americans Drive on the Left and Other Truths I’ve Learned

[…] Festival.) At any rate, it was very confusing for me for a while. I still can’t bring myself to say that I’m 39 when I’m still 3 8, for example, because it’s technically untrue. Thankfully, there’s a way to say it without making the Western part of my brain cringe. “我今年39岁。This year, I’m (turning) […]

Blog Entries

Skills No Longer Needed

Re-entering a country that is “home” can be confusing. There is an unlearning—a releasing of some of the strategies that were only needed in a place with different rules and ways of living. We do not return as people who have stayed as we were before we left. There are things to shed; there are things to keep.

Blog Entries

Chinese Christians in the New Era—Hope and Overcoming

[…] the Japanese invasion in the 1930s to protect their congregations and lost their lives as a result.  Swells is right, of course, that a focus on the numbers of converts was always misplaced; the focus should always be on the faithfulness and integrity of those who do convert, not on whether they are numerous […]

Blog Entries

The 2023 Regulations for Religious Activity Site Registration

What the Party Doesn’t Want You to Know

Under Xi…steps toward liberalization have ended and even reversed…. Xi has removed term limits on his rule, called upon the media to serve the party, arrested outspoken lawyers and feminists, and renewed pressure on house and official churches; all sectors…have fallen under the CCP’s oversight and control.

Blog Entries

Official Protestant Groups Plan Next Five Years of Sinicization

What Does the TSPM/CCC 5-Year Plan Tell Us about the Direction of Official Protestantism?

What are we to make of last year’s announcement that the official Protestant group leadership, the national Three Self Patriotic Movement association together with the China Christian Council, gathered to discuss a five-year plan for 2023–2027? Do China’s official churches typically have five-year plans like any other Communist Party organization? What is new about this […]


ZGBriefs | June 15, 2023

[…] lowest since records began in 1986. Data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed the number of couples tying the knot in 2022 fell by about 800,000 compared with 2021, beating that year’s record low. China’s marriage rate has declined rapidly over the past 10 years, since peaking in 2013 when nearly 13.5 […]

Blog Entries

The COVID-Era Preflight Checklist

[…] China to make a quick trip back to the States. A “quick trip” used to be two weeks. Now it cannot be shorter than a month. The flight used to take us 24 hours door to door; this time it was 48 hours. However, what made this trip different was not the longer flight […]