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Showing results for lisha lake call 201804 2044 2098 electrical service change 201804 2044 2098 call 201804 2044 2098 change 201804 2044 2098 201804 2044 2098 201804 2044 2098

Supporting Article

A Sixteenth Century Strategy for Serving China in the 21st Century

[…] expertise for the nation while the gospel of Christ transforms both individuals. The implementation of this strategy would require a radical reorientation of current strategies. It would call for both institutional and individual commitment. It would involve the recruitment of Christian professionals from around the world who would be willing to spend time, and […]


More Than Half the Sky

[…] a society where girl infants are routinely abandoned or given away and young women are valued only for the price they might command as unwilling brides, the call of a loving God who wants a relationship with His children has an understandable appeal. Many Chinese women, in answering God’s call, have found themselves partners […]


The Greatest Story Never Told?

[…] to be found among China’s growing urban population. Secondly, by focusing our attention solely within China’s borders, we may miss some of the most obvious opportunities for service and witness among the future influencers, thousands of whom are currently studying or working in other countries. The question for many churches and organizations outside China […]

Supporting Article

Toward a Typology of Christian Leaders in China

[…] in a large church network. Extremely dedicated, she struggles to find balance between ministry and family (if she has one). She may also struggle with her own calling, serving out of a sense of obligation and wondering whether she is really in the right place. She is often physically tired due to long hours […]


Turning a Corner in Leader Development in China

[…] leaders need to possess to be effective, new approaches are focusing increasingly on the kind of person the leader needs to be. This brings in areas of calling, community and character as well as skills and competencies. Beyond asking what an effective church leader looks like, we need to begin to ask questions such […]

Peoples of China

Stewardship in the Business Community

[…] be placed in each hotel room. This action demonstrates that Mr. Jiang understands God has given him the hotel, his funds and his guests. He obeys God’s call to be a steward of these resources (finances, influence, positional authority and physical property) to maximize glory to God and blessings to the local community. Image […]


What if We’re Out Tomorrow

[…] has spent the better part of his life seeking to serve the people of China has been denied a visa to remain in the country. Another wake-up call? Decades of relative freedom and unprecedented openness to those from outside China have created a sense of near invincibility among many serving in China, particularly those […]

View From the Wall

A Glance at People with Disabilities in China

[…] of people with disabilities vary widely depending on the definitions used for employment and disability. It is a daunting number, although there are more than three-thousand employment service centers in China providing services that range from vocational training to job matching to consultation for people with disabilities seeking employment. These centers receive financial support […]

Blog Entries

From Doing to Paving the Way

[…] gifts” faithfully or “leveraging your resources.” This is western thinking, enmeshed in the prideful thought that the best kind of service is leading. While some may be called to leadership, most are not—and the question itself misses the point of service in the Kingdom (God is looking for “good and faithful servants”). This was […]

Blog Entries

From Solutions to Shared Innovation

Historian Jonathan Spence, in his classic volume To Change China, recounts the stories of various foreigners who came to China in past centuries. Missionaries, engineers, merchants, doctors—all dedicated their lives to addressing what they saw as critical needs or opportunities. All believed they were bringing lasting change to China. In the end, however, it […]