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ZGBriefs | October 31, 2019

Houses divided  (October 24, 2019, World Magazine) Hong Kong pastors walk a fine line between members who support protests and members who support police.


ZGBriefs | November 21, 2019

How To Survive an Increasingly Difficult China  (November 20, 2019, China Law Blog) The New Normal has greatly increased the risks for foreign companies that do business in or with China.


ZGBriefs | March 28, 2019

Chinese authorities shut down the Shouwang Protestant church in Beijing (March 27, 2019, Asia News) Government officials also closed down all of the Church’s subsidiary organisations, seized its assets and questioned more than 20 of its members.


ZGBriefs | January 24, 2019

Engineers of the Soul: Ideology in Xi Jinping's China by John Garnaut (January 16, 2019, Sinocism) We will have to make a serious attempt to read the ideological road map that frames the language, perceptions and decisions of Chinese leaders. 


ZGBriefs | June 13, 2019

China’s population to peak in 2023, five years earlier than official estimates, new research shows (May 2, 2019, South China Morning Post) Did Beijing’s policymakers wait too long to lift the controversial one-child policy for its rapidly greying society? A new report suggests they did. 


ZGBriefs | December 5, 2019

Expat Wrestling Season: The internal clash between staying and going  (December 3, 2019, The Culture Blend) It’s here again. Wrestling season. For the expats. Here’s the backstory . . . for the rest of you. Expats don’t stay forever. We come and go. 


ZGBriefs | July 4, 2019

Chinese Christianity encounters Islam along the Belt and Road Initiative (July 3, 2019, East Asia Dialogue) Not only is it exporting cultural and economic influence, but with more than thirty million Christians in China, it is slated to become a major exporter of Christianity as well.


ZGBriefs | December 12, 2019

Anniversary of a crackdown (December 9, 2019, World Magazine) One year after a police raid, members of a prominent Chinese church wrestle with past traumas and endure ongoing threats.


ZGBriefs | November 14, 2019

Names from God: The power of Protestant names in China  (November 13, 2019, Contemporary China Centre Blog) Church leaders play a central role in the naming process and some are regarded as such adept name-givers that they are approached by people from outside of the church to name children.

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