Results for: how to get cheap airline tickets when a flight isn


Love, Amy

An Accidental Memoir Told in Newsletters from China

Amy tells her story of how she moved to China to teach English. She anticipated making cultural faux pas, trying new food, seeing God at work, and growing in her knowledge of language and culture. What she could not foresee was all of the adventures and hardships she would be asked to face. Join […]


Looming Transitions

Starting and Finishing Well in Cross-Cultural Service

Thinking through the process of transition beforehand can make all the difference between a smooth entry and/or re-entry, or a decidedly bumpy landing. Practical in nature, Looming Transitions is geared to help you to do just that.decidedly bumpy landing.

Supporting Article

Debriefing before the Final Goodbye

The author provides debriefing questions that can assist in evaluating life in China and aid in healthy transitions.

Blog Entries

Home, James

A Book Recommendation

"It takes more than a passport to feel at home."

Blog Entries

Three “T” Reasons to Read “The Tea Girl”

If you enjoy a hot cup of tea and historical fiction, then this book is for you! 

Blog Entries

“What If” Is Here: Global Trellis

You need a place for your soul to be breath, your head to be engaged, and your heart to stay tender. You need Global Trellis.

Blog Entries

Acknowledging and Managing the Tension

A Reader Responds to “Women and the Missio Dei in China”

[…] but often the tensions that Bentley and the contributors addressed will not have solutions. Instead, this is a subject to return to every so often to evaluate how you are managing the five tensions I noted. If you only focus on one side or the other, it might feel more comfortable; but that is […]

Blog Entries

3 Questions: The Transitions Workbook

e give ourselves (and others) many gifts when we intentionally attend to our inner processes and emotions in the presence of the Lord.


Becoming More Fruitful in Cross-Cultural Work

How To Be Free in Christ and Rooted in Reality as You Fulfill Your Call

Amy Young discusses how to avoid ministry burnout by focusing on our spiritual life. As Paul advocates in his letter to the Galatians, she desires that you walk with the Spirit and experience true freedom in Christ. This freedom and fruitfulness exist in three directions: with God, others, and yourself.

Blog Entries

The COVID-Era Preflight Checklist

[…] two weeks. Now it cannot be shorter than a month. The flight used to take us 24 hours door to door; this time it was 48 hours. However, what made this trip different was not the longer flight time or the total length but the ongoing uncertainty and inability to plan much beyond the […]