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Blog Entries

Chinese Christians in the New Era—Hope and Overcoming

[…] the Japanese invasion in the 1930s to protect their congregations and lost their lives as a result.  Swells is right, of course, that a focus on the numbers of converts was always misplaced; the focus should always be on the faithfulness and integrity of those who do convert, not on whether they are numerous […]

Blog Entries

The 2023 Regulations for Religious Activity Site Registration

What the Party Doesn’t Want You to Know

In 2023, the Chinese government issued new regulations on the registration of religious activity sites—the first update of these rules in over 15 years. What do they actually mean? How different are they from the earlier ones? What do they tell us about the church-state relationship in China today? What can we learn from […]

Blog Entries

Official Protestant Groups Plan Next Five Years of Sinicization

What Does the TSPM/CCC 5-Year Plan Tell Us about the Direction of Official Protestantism?

[…] loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party and comparatively weaker emphasis on traditional Christian ideas. Five-year TSPM/CCC plans are not new. In fact, since its formation in the 1950s, the TSPM—like all other societal organizations under Chinese Communist Party (or CCP) leadership—was required to formulate plans in step with the five-year plans of the CCP. […]

Blog Entries

The Never Ending March

A Book Review

The Never Ending March: China’s Religious Policy and the Catholic Church by Sergio Ticozzi, preface by Stephen Baskerville. Hong Kong: Chorabooks, 2018, 183 pages. Shortly after the provisional accord on the nomination of bishops in China was announced by the Vatican and Beijing, Chorabooks released The Never Ending March.  Now, two years later, with […]

Blog Entries

“I Always Knew He Was There”

Discovering Faith Across Cultures

[…] became not only my wife, but my teacher as well. She showed me how to love people better. My wife’s parents arrived in Taiwan by boat in 1955. For over 35 years they served alongside Chinese brothers and sisters—planting churches, making disciples, and loving people. They loved their life and ministry. Their daughter, my […]


ZGBriefs | June 15, 2023

Marriages in China drop to record low despite government push (June 13, 2023, The Guardian) The number of marriages in China last year dropped to 6.83 million, the lowest since records began in 1986. Data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed the number of couples tying the knot in 2022 fell by […]

Chinese Articles


本文原文首发于 "International Students in China: An Unreached Diaspora."  我和吉尔吉斯人吉尔格(化名)坐在沙发上聊天。我们畅谈起他来中国念书的缘由、家乡吉尔吉斯斯坦美丽的高山,当然还有耶稣的故事。同这样一位吉尔吉斯斯坦学生聊天,我无需申请签证远赴他的家乡,无需学习他的语言,他就这样来到了我的身边。我和来自印控克什米尔的拉里特(化名)一起读一卷福音书。特斯法耶(化名)在他到中国学习其间,信心不断成长,最终他回到祖国厄立特里亚委身于当地一家受逼迫的教会。母语同为葡萄牙语的莫当比克、安哥拉和巴西学生们聚在一起读经。中国有近50万名留学生,他们来自世界的各个角落。 很少有人知道,中国是世界上第三大留学目的国,仅次于英美。 统计数据显示,2016年在中国学习的留学生共442733名,比2015年增长了11.4%。其中,北京留学生人数最多,超过77000名(占总数17%),其次是上海( 14%)和江苏(7%)。 留学生人数之多、涉及国家之广令我们不禁赞叹,中国是否能够通过这些留学生而成为影响世界的核心力量呢? 中国因其各种优势吸引了越来越多的留学生。中国有世界一流的高等学府、 费用较欧美相比更为低廉, 而且专业设置多样。中国有829所大学可以接收国际学生,提供英文授课的本科和研究生博士课程。不仅如此,中国大学研究水平在国际上也享有越来越高的口碑。 中国政府开展2020年对外国际教育战略计划, 投入资金设立奖学金(2016年共 49022名留学生享有奖学金)。 与此同时,中国高等学府中仅有0.9%的学生为海外留学生,与英国和澳大利亚的20%相比,还有很大的上升空间可接收更多的学生。 大洲 总数 百分比 年增长量 年增长率 亚洲 264,976 59.84% 24,822 10.34% 欧洲 71,319 16.11% 4,573 6.85% 非洲 61,594 13.91% 11,802 23.70% 美洲 38,077 8.60% 3,143 9.00% 大洋洲 6,807 1.54% 798 13.28% 另一个在华留学生人数激增的原因是开始有国外学生选择在自己的国家攻读中国的学位。 在中国的留学生中,大约60%来自亚洲国家。因为中国对他们来说费用较低,而且与欧美国家相比,文化上更为相近。 然而,人数增长最令人震惊的是非洲学生,与2015年同比增长了23.7%。中国和非洲当地大学设立的奖学金刺激了更多的非洲学生来华。学生人数的增长还归功于中国富有前瞻性的地缘政治策略,特别是近年来政府加强了双边经济关系合作。所有非洲国家加在一起成为了中国第二大留学生来源地,占在华留学生的1/7。 以国度的眼光看,从留学生最多的15个来源国来看,这些学生不太可能在自己的国家听到福音。 但在中国他们却可以自由地参加国际教会的团契,从基督徒同学口中听到福音。 排名 国家 总来华留学生输送人数 占全体在华留学生总人口比例 来源国福音派基督徒比例 1 韩国 […]


ZGBriefs | August 27, 2020

[…] 1950s, the iconic green trains are a relic of another age, differing in almost every way from the sleek high-speed rail cars replacing them. Tickets are dirt- cheap. The carriages are crowded, chaotic, and stifling in the summer heat. It can take hours for the lumbering locomotives to chug between cities. Sponsored Link Webinar: […]

Lead Article

Religious Statistics in China

Current evidence is that religion is flourishing in China. However, practical problems make statistical statements for the number of religious believers in China quite hazardous. The author cautiously examines the evidence that exists for each of the five, major, officially-recognized religious faiths in China.


ZGBriefs | February 6, 2020

These airlines have suspended flights to and from China  (February 5, 2020, CNN) Here's a roundup of some major airlines that have suspended or reduced their flights to mainland China.