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Blog Entries

A Better and Broader Understanding of China

When my wife and I adopted a baby girl from China in 1996, we had virtually no knowledge about China. We didn’t know a single Chinese person. The adoption agency that helped us strongly suggested that we learn as much as possible about China and its people and culture. We quickly realized that one […]

Blog Entries

Greetings from Kerry Schottelkorb

New President of ChinaSource

[…] and fundraising events where Brent has championed the kingdom causes of many others, by introducing them, providing networking opportunities, and encouraging them along the way. In John 13, just moments after washing the disciple’s feet and telling them to serve one another in the same way, Jesus said: A new command I give you: […]


Looking Back to Move Forward

[…] from God, and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. John 13:3-4 Remembering who he was and from where he came, Jesus got up and washed the disciples’ feet and went on to sacrifice his life for us. […]

Blog Entries

That They May Be One as We Are One

Engaging and Collaborating

[…] to build up and encourage his church, for his glory, always results in fruit that remains. This time let’s look at Christ’s prayer for us in John 17:20-23: My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be […]

Blog Entries

The Challenge of Ethical Leadership in the Church

The 20 19 summer issue of ChinaSource Quarterly, “Leadership Ethics” comes out next week. We are delighted to once again have mainland scholars Mary Li Ma and LI Jin guest editing—this will be their fifth issue of CSQ! A foundational scripture passage for this issue comes from the apostle John: If we walk in […]

ChinaSource Perspective

Walking in the Light and the Need for Vigilance

[…] purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:7-10 NIV In a timely and relevant way, our editors and writers have chosen to bring the subject of leadership ethics within the church in […]

Blog Entries

Waiting, Praying in His Embrace

[…] more imminent danger, or for ourselves to be ready, willing and dependent on our Father’s wisdom when trouble and trials come. So, we pray for: A “James 1 faith that seeks wisdom in the face of trials.” A vibrant life of prayer that seeks wisdom from God whether in peacetime and security, or under […]

Blog Entries

For Such a Time as This in Real Time

We recently posted a ChinaSource statement on COVID- 19 entitled “For Such a Time as This” which concluded: ChinaSource’s commitment to its mission is not contingent on circumstances. Crisis or not, by his grace, we are here to engage, collaborate and serve-for such a time as this. As Ted Esler, president of Missio Nexus, […]

Blog Entries

In the Valley of Vision

Humbled Before Him

In our second statement in response to the COVID- 19 pandemic, we referenced the “Valley of Vision,” which the Puritans described as the place “where I live in the depth, but see thee in the heights . . . that valley is the place of vision.” In the midst of COVID-19 we are all […]

Blog Entries

Seeking Redemptive Recovery

Since we posted our fourth COVID- 19 statement, “Readying for Recovery,” the death of George Floyd and the impact his death has had on people—even globally—has been a stark reminder that there are many fronts to which Christ is calling his church, including reconciliation, repentance, redemption, and restoration.  On the way to recovery from […]