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Blog Entries

New Online Course: “The Church in China Today”

As part of the ChinaSource Institute’s ongoing effort to provide resources for those serving in China, we are pleased to announce our latest online course, “The Church in China Today.”

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Chinese Churches in New Zealand Today

The author gives an overview of the development in the Chinese church in New Zealand. Recently, God has been building a spirit of unity. The author believes that New Zealand may soon become a base for Chinese missions.


China’s Next Generation

New China, New Church, New World

[…] a difference a decade makes! Over the last ten years the nation of China and the Chinese church have changed significantly; so has the world. It’s a new China. It’s a new church. It’s a new world. China’s Cultural Revolution that ended in the late 1970s was followed by a 20-year-long spiritual harvest spanning […]

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Urban Public Space and New Media Ministry

<p>After defining “ new media” and what it encompasses, An looks at the various ways the church in China views it, what it means for the church, and how it can affect the church. He then gives some thoughts on how the church should deal with it—not only the challenges it brings, but how […]

Blog Entries

New Media Missions: Igniting Mission Life

Our social networks serve as a conduit for others to understand our lives, our faith, and the transformative impact of our beliefs. New media offers the most accessible, effective, and personal means for interaction and connection. Our virtual community becomes our broadest mission field, accessible to all for engagement.

Blog Entries

A “NewNew Normal?

[…] basis of the domination of the registered church and the confrontational stance towards the house church. The mandate of the UFWD, on the other hand is to promote Party-State policies and make sure that all segments and sectors of society remain loyal to (or at least don’t challenge) the Party. Historically, their tactics have […]

Blog Entries

From Grey to Grey: Foreign NGOs Feel Their Way Forward in China

<p>News that nearly three dozen foreign NGOs had successfully registered under the new Overseas NGO Law sounded an optimistic note for organizations working in China. Yet, as a recent article in <em>The Diplomat</em> points out, this apparent gain for the overseas NGO community masks the greater realities facing foreign groups as they weigh their options under the new law.</p>

Blog Entries

Milestones in the Evolution of China’s Overseas NGO Law

<p>Earlier this month I wrote a post on the “why” behind China’s new overseas NGO law, which put the law into the larger political context of China. For a closer look at how the law was actually formulated, I recommend Shawn Shieh’s excellent piece, “The Origins of China’s New Law on Foreign NGOs,” which traces the evolution of […]

Blog Entries

Toward a Culture of Partnering

[…] outside China providing funds, training, and other resources to an indigenous church with great needs but seemingly little to contribute in return. With the emergence of a new generation of trained leaders who are increasingly connected with the global church, either virtually or directly through going abroad or working with foreigners in country, collaboration […]

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A New China and a New Catholic Church

[…] earlier day understood how to stand their ground—and why. However, in the post-Vatican-II era, Catholic orientations are different. Does that mean one can cooperate with authorities who promote atheism? Where does one draw the line? Did the bishops at the Second Vatican Council have the Chinese Communist Party in mind when they wrote their […]