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May 8, 2014

[…] Flight 370 will no longer regularly be meeting face-to-face in Beijing, but many are keeping their support group alive nonetheless on Tencents messaging app. As many as 500 peoplemostly family members of passengers on Flight 370 but also journalists, police officers and even government officialswere in a WeChat room on Tuesday, discussing topics ranging […]

Chinese Church Voices

Humbly Striving for Growth—Li Yan

[…] For years, she served as the chairman of the Chinese Skating Association and as a member of the Chinese Olympic Committee and she has devoted herself to promoting ice and snow sports in China. Last November she was appointed the head coach of the Chinese speed-skating training team to prepare for the Beijing Winter […]


April 04, 2013

[…] Challenges to Doing Business in China (April 2, 2013, Asia Society) Kent Kedl, greater China and north Asia managing director for global risk consultancy Control Risks, s topped by Asia Society Studios in New York recently to discuss common problems related to doing business in China. Huawei: The Chinese Company That Scares Washington (April […]


ZGBriefs | April 30, 2015

[…] woman who had killed her husband, a case that drew international attention and a petition from hundreds of Chinese lawyers and feminists urging the court to reconsider. Tibet suffers devastating ripple effects (April 27, 2015, China Daily) Twenty Chinese people were killed in the Tibet autonomous region as result of shock waves related to […]


ZGBriefs | March 9, 2017

[…] body amounts to $500 billion, just below the annual economic output of Sweden. A Quick Scan at the NPC (March 3, 2017, China Media Project) The QR code, it seems, it being pushed this year as a symbol of sorts for the government’s professed openness and transparency. Also on Sunday, media reports said, codes […]


ZGBriefs | June 21, 2018

[…] The Influence of Denominations on Church Organizational Structure in China (June 11, 2018, ChinaSource Quarterly) In recent years, as the Chinese church has grown, more urban churches have begun promoting church organization and structure. This has not always been the case. For a long time, continued government persecution drove the church underground and cut off connections […]


January 31, 2013

[…] peoples interests in mind, while the local authorities are blamed for what goes wrong in their daily lives. This regionally decentralized system has proved exceptionally effective in promoting economic liberalization and for the most part has helped maintain social stability even though it discourages political liberalization. But there is a real fear that frustration […]


ZGBriefs | July 6, 2017

[…] corporate tax information, and present it to service providers to issue fapiao. China To Build World's Most Challenging Railway For $36 Billion (July 5, 2017, NDTV) The Sichuan- Tibet Railway will be the second railway into Tibet region after the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. The railway line will go through the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, one […]


ZGBriefs | August 3, 2017

[…] most popular old people’s homes (there is one in Beijing with a waiting list of 100 years). China's Restive Xinjiang Province Changes Family Planning Rules to ' Promote Ethnic Equality' (August 1, 2017, TIME) A restive region of northwestern China has just altered its family planning policy to no longer allow ethnic minorities to have more […]


ZGBriefs | August 10, 2017

[…] years before seizing power at the end of the country's civil war. It has served as a model for other "autonomous regions" with large minority populations, like Tibet and Xinjiang. The regions are meant to have a high degree of self-government, but dissidents and rights groups say in practice the majority Han Chinese run the […]