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Blog Entries

Islam has the largest number of under-30 believers in China?

Christian Today has posted an article with this headline: “Islam is the most popular religion for under-30s in China." The lead says: Islam has the largest number of young believers in China, new research has found, despite the growth of Christianity in the country and an atheist government. The China Religion Survey 2015, released […]

Blog Entries

Where to Get a Bible in China

Editor’s note: Be sure to check out the 2023 update to this post, entitled “Can I Still Get a Bible in China?” In 2014 I wrote a blog post titled “Where Can Someone Get a Bible in China?” Given that much has changed in China since that time I thought it would be good […]

Blog Entries

Can I Still Get a Bible in China?

Answering Common Questions

In 2014, I (Joann) wrote a post titled “Where Can Someone Get a Bible in China?” Surprisingly, it has turned out to be one of the most-read posts we’ve published. If you do a Google search on how or where to get a Bible in China, it is often the first link displayed (which […]

The Lantern

The Timely Nature of Praise and Thanksgiving

[…] loud voice,” while throwing himself at the feet of Jesus and thanking him. Luke then adds, as if for ultimate effect, “and he was a Samaritan.” Jesus looks around and says, “Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” And then Jesus says to him, “rise […]

Blog Entries

The Final Number Is In!

[…] have heard, we finished the year with a matching challenge of US$100,000, put forward by two different friends of ChinaSource. The final tally is done, and to gether, you, our community of support, provided US$136,761.03 toward the challenge and succeeded in meeting and exceeding the match! As with so many journeys, it isn’t just […]

The Lantern

Now That China Is Number One

[…] Faithful Stewards A key question as China becomes more prosperous is whether China will also become more generous. During this past year we have been blessed to get to know committed believers who are active in China’s emerging philanthropy and charity sectors. Through the Faith and Generosity in China Initiative, we are walking with […]

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Blog Entries

Where Did They Get That Idea?

[…] between Chinese New Year and Jewish Passover observances? Consider: In the week before Passover/Chinese New Year, the family works hard to clean the house thoroughly (for Passover, getting rid of yeast). For Jews, yeast represents ceremonial uncleanness. Removing all vestiges of yeast is a spiritual cleansing rite. The “spring cleaning” activity of Chinese resembles […]

The Lantern

Thanksgiving, Especially Now

[…] experience, that when a shaking season comes, God is mightily at work. We find ourselves in the midst of a great gospel moment, when the dark is getting darker, but the transforming light is getting brighter and Jesus is on the move for the nations. We are humbled in the knowledge that God has […]

Blog Entries

Looking to 2022 With Thanksgiving

[…] within the family of believers. Thank you for following ChinaSource in these critical times. I am thrilled to announce that as of yesterday, ChinaSource has received US$ 110,645 toward the US$100,000 matching challenge! We are very excited about how God worked through our partners and friends to provide this wonderful gift. If you gave […]