Results for: Spirit Airlines 1 800-299-7264 Flight Changes Support Number

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Blog Entries

Be A Better Dad Today

A Book Review

[…] need to suffer from the cold. The most important inheritance that a father can pass on to his children, according to Slayton, is not the material kind.  He writes: “Strong spiritual, moral, and ethical inheritances almost always lay the foundation for a productive and successful life” (p. 88). One of the most helpful chapters for me personally […]

Blog Entries

The Holy Spirit at Work in China’s Churches

Reflections on the 2023 Summer CSQ

Entrusting the development of Christianity in China entirely to Almighty God and following his will alone in leading Chinese Christians in the twenty-first century is undoubtedly the most important path to experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit.

Blog Entries

Raising Support—an Uphill Struggle

For a missionary, raising support is no easy task. When we were preparing for our first term of service, I wasn’t sure how we were ever going to raise the required budget. But for Chinese missionaries, the task is even harder. Coming from a culture that is not accustomed to supporting missionaries, obtaining financial […]

Blog Entries

China Expats and Home Church Support

One of the least discussed aspects of the expatriate’s experience is the role of the home support community, particularly that of the home church.

Supporting Article

Three Changes in Urban Churches

The author sees two major categories of urban churches in China that are experiencing transformation and goes on to discuss three main areas where he sees this transformation taking place. Viewing these changes as positive, he also believes they are growing stronger.

Supporting Article

Spirit-Empowered Chinese House Churches (2)

Urban Revival

Liu tells us about Mission China 2030, revival, spiritual gifts, Chinese houses of prayer, and persecution among China’s urban house churches during recent years.

Blog Entries

This Changes Everything

The promise of Christmas is not that everything changes tomorrow, but that change is possible through Christ…It begins with the transformation of human hearts.

Supporting Article

Spirit-Empowered Chinese House Churches (1)

Rural Revival

Editor’s note: This two-part article is adapted with permission from Evan J. Liu, “The Spirit-Empowered Mission of Chinese House Churches,” in The Remaining Task of the Great Commission & The Spirit-Empowered Movement, eds. Wonsuk Ma and Opoku Onyinah.1 Part 2 regarding urban revival follows. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has […]

Supporting Article

“The Spirit in Fire and Wind”

An Opportunity for Silent Artists to Converse

[…] at once. The ruins of constructing and demolishing fill the void in the land, the society, and the heart-mind. On the ruins, however, there also blows the spiritual wind and burning holy fire. Where there is the blowing wind of the spirit, the holy fire destroys, purifies, and protects, but also kindles the soul, […]