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Blog Entries

ZGBriefs The Weeks Top Picks, March 27 Issue

Two articles about religion, a missing jetliner, and eye-popping gifs of China's urbanization; these are our top picks this week.

Blog Entries

ZGBriefs The Weeks Top Picks, April 3 Issue

Tomorrow (April 5) is "Tomb-Sweeping Day," a festival to honor the ancestors by tending their graves. There were two articles about this that caught our attention this week.

Blog Entries

ZGBriefs The Weeks Top Picks, April 10 Issue

Schools, nostalgia, and explaining the unexplainable these are the subjects of our top picks in ZGBriefs this week.


Considering a Move to China?

It can be one of life's greatest challenges and blessings.

Whether it is for a company, business or mission team, the decision to move to China can be one of the most rewarding of a lifetime.

Blog Entries

What is the Chinese Word for Church?

As with most questions of a linguistic nature, the answer is a bit complicated because in English the term "church" can refer to either a gathering of believers or a building where those believers gather. In other words, we can use the term "church" to call any and all gatherings of believers, regardless of the existence of a building. Generally speaking, we can infer from the context what is being discussed.


ZGBriefs | July 18, 2019

China’s “5,000 Years of History”: Fact or Fiction? July 14, 2019, Radii China) The recent elevation of the 5,300-year-old site of Liangzhu to UNESCO World Heritage status revives an old debate about modern China's historical narrative.


ZGBriefs | November 30, 2017

Cheering China’s Urbana: Churches Poised to Become Major Exporters (November 27, 2017, Christianity Today) When 1,200 youth gathered for the first Chinese “Urbana-style” missions conference this fall, 300 pledged to become full-time missionaries.

Blog Entries

Why I Don’t Recommend “Safely Home”

A few years ago, I put together a China reading list that I titled "My Literary Journey to Being a Sinophile" for my personal blog in which I highlighted books that have shaped my understanding and love for China over the past thirty years. The book topics run the gamut from history to contemporary […]

Chinese Church Voices

Easter on Weibo

Sina Weibo is China's most popular micro-blogging site. In fact "weibo" means "micro-blog." It's a Chinese version of Twitter that claims to have 300+ million subscribers.Christian subscribers took to Weibo on Sunday to comment on Easter.

The Lantern

The Impact of a Milk Shortage

[…] the tainted milk scandal broke in China. Melamine was being added to locally produced milk products to increase the apparent protein content of the milk. More protein, better for your kids, right? Wrong. When added to food products, melamine can cause kidney stones and kidney failure. Melamine-laced milk caused the death of six infants […]