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Views from the Classroom

[…] in China. Teaching Science at a University How can foreign academics have an influence while teaching in China? The most obvious opportunities in professional contexts are in promoting professional ethics, introducing theistic worldviews, and simply demonstrating care for students.  Most teachers deal with plagiarism. Knowing what plagiarism is, why it is wrong, and how […]

Blog Entries

The Impact of Leaving on the Kids

[…] is, or was, their home—maybe their only home. In many cases China has been much more of a home then their passport country. China is where their best friends are, where they ate their favorite foods. It’s a place that is familiar to them—a place they love and where they have felt safe. To […]

Book Reviews

Listening to the Heart

A Book Review

[…] need for avenues of hope and underscores the need for them to be pointed to a God who is totally reliable, ever present, stable and has their best interests at heart; a God who works in the lives of people “on the move.” Among her conclusions, Chang observes that the lives and struggles of […]

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China – Here We Are!

<p>How can one prepare for service in China? The author provides practical insights with examples from her own experiences when she first lived in another culture. From exploring one's expectations to extending grace and embracing the challenge, Ms. Klopper offers valuable advice that can lessen the initial strain of cross-cultural living.</p>

Blog Entries

7 Recommendations before Saying “Zaijian” to China

[…] This was a huge shocker to our kids (ages four to fourteen today) who had never known a home outside the Middle Kingdom. We felt it was best to tell them about the move well in advance so they could leave China well and enter American culture better prepared. There is much to consider […]

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Being on Guard against “Spiritualized Political Correctness” in the Church

<p align="left">Spiritual political correctness is a form of legalism shrouded by an appearance of spirituality. While it shapes believers’ thoughts and behavior, over time it harms faith and the church and prepares the ground for the abuse of power by pastors. This requires our serious attention.</p>

Blog Entries

The Changing Religious Landscape in Modernizing China

The Great Awakening in China (1)

In 1979, churches, temples and mosques began to be restored and reopened for religious activities. That was the beginning of the economic reform era, and it was also the beginning of the Chinese Great Awakening.

Blog Entries

An Unwelcomed Journey Out of China

On January 23, 2020, my family and I arrived in Thailand from China for three weeks of vacation. Chinese officials locked down Wuhan on our first day in Thailand. We never returned to China. On March 31, 2022, after nearly 12 years of partnership, we exited our organization. The 26 months that elapsed between […]

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The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind and Chinese Christianity

The following is an excerpt from Ren Xiaopeng’s translator’s preface for the Chinese version of Mark A. Noll’s The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind. ReFrame Ministries will be publishing their Chinese translation of the book soon, so stay tuned. Christian scholar Mark A. Noll’s seminal work, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind is still as relevant […]

Blog Entries

Are You Ready for Transition? Again?

“Did you ever consider staying home? Getting settled and looking for a job?” This was the burning question I just had to ask.