Results for: Change Flight Booking For 1 800-299-7264 Spirit Airlines Number

Showing results for change flight booking 800 299 726 spirit airlines number 8279 800 299 726 8279-70-8 8279-70-8 booking 800 299 726 number 8279 for 1 800 299 800 299 726 8279 800 299 726

Blog Entries

Be A Better Dad Today

A Book Review

[…] need to suffer from the cold. The most important inheritance that a father can pass on to his children, according to Slayton, is not the material kind.  He writes: “Strong spiritual, moral, and ethical inheritances almost always lay the foundation for a productive and successful life” (p. 88). One of the most helpful chapters for me personally […]

Lead Article

Some Things Change, Some Are Timeless

The author shares how his worldview has changed over the decades and how his relationships with others have changed as a result of this. As China continues to develop and grow, its need for foreign interaction will change. The deepest benefit foreign believers can bring is the benefit of a life that flows from God […]

Blog Entries

The Holy Spirit at Work in China’s Churches

Reflections on the 2023 Summer CSQ

Entrusting the development of Christianity in China entirely to Almighty God and following his will alone in leading Chinese Christians in the twenty-first century is undoubtedly the most important path to experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit.

Supporting Article

Spirit-Empowered Chinese House Churches (2)

Urban Revival

Liu tells us about Mission China 2030, revival, spiritual gifts, Chinese houses of prayer, and persecution among China’s urban house churches during recent years.

Blog Entries

Some Things Don’t Change

[…] writer who goes by the name of Huo Shui, wrote an article for the ChinaSource Quarterly called "Keys to Effectiveness in an Ever-Changing China." While China has continued to change, the things he talked about have stood the test of time. Or, as a friend of mine used to say, “things are the same, only more […]

Supporting Article

Spirit-Empowered Chinese House Churches (1)

Rural Revival

[…] way. It seemed Pentecostal fire was ignited each day by sincere prayer, fasting, and worship. Due to the believers’ passionate pursuit of the Lord, the atmosphere dramatically changed. We were all filled with a strong sense that God was present. The catalyst of the revival among the village churches was the Holy Spirit. When […]

Supporting Article

“The Spirit in Fire and Wind”

An Opportunity for Silent Artists to Converse

[…] spring of 2019, ten of China’s highly respected Christian artists gathered at Purdue University to freely display and discuss their work with each other and a fascinated public. Only now is art being encouraged in the church, but this connectedness of art and faith is providing a refuge for artists in this increasingly difficult time.

Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Christians Pray following the China Eastern Airlines Crash

In response to last week’s tragic loss of life, Christians in China are praying. One noted, “. . . believers, they pray for peace in Ukraine, for the domestic epidemic, and now they are praying for the plane crash. These are painful things, just like the recent weather, shrouded in gloom.”

Blog Entries

How Can Chinese Christians Foster a Reformation Spirit?

[…] Romans. Why are people reckoned unrighteous? "…they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him… Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and ex changed the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things." (Romans 1:21–23) The heart of sin is “dishonoring […]