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Blog Entries

How’s My English?

Anyone who has spent time teaching English in China will no doubt be familiar with English Corners. Love 'em or hate 'em, they are a staple of life for teachers of English.

Book Reviews

China’s Vision for the World

The World According to China looks at the broader policy decisions made by the Chinese government within the context of Xi’s call for the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese state.” The author details how Xi “envisions a China that has regained centrality” in a global world.

Blog Entries

Eastern Lightning and the End of the World

China's Eastern Lightning cult is back in the news again, thanks to the ancient Mayans. It seems that their calendar comes to an end on December 21, causing millions to believe that the day will mark the end of the world. The "doomsday" craze has hit China big-time and the Eastern Lightning cult (which, […]

Blog Entries

The Slippery Slope of English Teaching

Teaching English in China—does it isolate you or open doors into the community and culture? 

Blog Entries

Conference on English Language Teaching

An English teaching conference centered on the theme Imago Dei: Celebrating the Beauty and Benefits of Diversity.

Blog Entries

The Last Time the Cubs Won the World Series

So, what did Beijing look like the last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series?

Supporting Article

Reaching the Second Generation

Children of Chinese immigrants face unique challenges growing up in New Zealand. Based on their experience, the authors address these issues and discuss ways to share the gospel with these young people.

Blog Entries

Treasures at the Market

This little analogy from the retail world breaks down easily. But it does make me stop and think. Am I one of the “half-hearted creatures…fooling about when infinite joy is offered?”

Blog Entries

The Confucian World

I haven’t actually read this book, but it looks like a good one to add to my reading list: Confucius and the World He Created, by Michael Schuman.

Blog Entries

Where in the World Are the Chinese?

Last week the World Economic Forum posted a short video titled “Where are the Largest Chinese Populations Outside of China?”  Spoiler: Indonesia tops the list.