Amy Young
3 Reasons You Need to Read this Chinese Food Memoir
Learning about culture, history, and ourselves through a food adventure in China.
How Can We Better Prepare People for the Field?
An Interview with Lauren Pinkston
An interview with Lauren Pinkston on preparing people for cross-cultural work.
I Stand Corrected
A Book Review
When I read the title in an email, I knew I had to get a copy of I Stand Corrected: How Teaching Western Manners in China Became Its Own Unforgettable Lesson by Eden Collinsworth (2014).
Ten “Americans Really Do THAT?” from Chinese Scholars Living in the U.S.
I'm sure you've done it, I know I have. Asked a Chinese friend or colleague what stood out to them if they had a chance to visit your home country. I enjoy hearing what stood out to them or to friends who have visited me in China. Their impressions help me to see afresh the places I care about.
A New Must-read for China Hands
Love her or hate her, Empress Dowager Cixi does not leave us with the option of just letting her drift off into historical obscurity. Jung Chang's (author of Wild Swans) recently published Express Dowager Cixi: The Concubine Who Launched Modern China is destined to become a must read for China hands.
Who Invented the Coffee Cup? (The Answer Might Surprise You)
The truth is I don't know. But after reading The Man Who Loved China by Simon Winchester you, too, might find yourself wondering about your morning mug as you wait for water to boil.
Five Words Google Can’t Translate
It is exhilarating to move to a new country and communicate with people so different from ourselves. Whether through Chinese you have learned or English you have taught, the sense of accomplishment can be deep and genuine.
A Novel Approach to Chinese History
If you're interested in China (or any place), I think we're in agreement as to the importance of understanding the historical context. The more you know what has happened, the more you understand what is happening today. Yet at times, the thought of reading history results in a gag reflux, I get it. I really do, some historians are terrible writers. And for those of you who roll your eyes at the mere mention of historical fiction, I'm with you.