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Chinese Church Voices

China Christian Daily’s Top 10 News Stories of 2020

What news stories were Chinese Christians paying attention to in 2020?

Blog Entries

What is the Chinese Word for Church?

As with most questions of a linguistic nature, the answer is a bit complicated beca use in English the term "church" can refer to either a gathering of believers or a building where those believers gather. In other words, we can use the term "church" to call any and all gatherings of believers, regardless […]

Chinese Church Voices

Top Christian News Stories in China in 2014 (#1-5)

[…] December 31, 2014, the mainland site Christian Times published a long article titled “Taking Stock at the End of the Year: Christian Times Top Ten Chinese Christian News Stories of 2014.” Topping their list, of course, was the ongoing church and cross demolition campaign in Zhejiang Province. But there were other events that caught […]

Chinese Church Voices

Top 10 Christian News Stories in China in 2016

China Christian Daily recently posted a list of the most popular news stories from the China Christian Times. Some may be surprising.

Chinese Church Voices

Top Christian News Stories in China in 2014 (# 6-10)‬

Last week we posted part one of a translated article “Top Ten Christian News Stories in China in 2014”, highlighting stories #1-5. This week, we are posting the translation of the second half of the original article (from The Christian Times), with items #6-10: The Almighty God cult murders, the rise of ISIS and […]

Chinese Church Voices

Top Christian News Stories in China in 2015

What were the stories that generated the most buzz among Christians in China in 2015? The editors at Christian Times have identified the top Christian news stories in China for the past year. The following translation of the original article has been posted to China Christian Daily. It’s a good reminder of the discrepancy between what many […]

Resource Corner

Good News in China

Resource Corner

Good News in China makes it easy for English and international Chinese speakers to share good resources in Chinese with coworkers, neighbors and friends!

Blog Entries

Breaking the Ice for Gospel Conversations

A resource for opening conversations with those who need to hear the good news.

Blog Entries

Sharing Good News

A New Leader for ChinaSource

A word from the ChinaSource board chairman.

Supporting Article

Word Choice Challenges

Translation is complex, and the words chosen to communicate concepts are crucial; they can significantly influence the understanding of the reader. Strand gives examples of how translators struggle with this aspect of their work.