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Blog Entries

A New Vision for a New Era

<p>Reflecting on a new era.</p>

Blog Entries

The Long History of Government Oversight and China’s Church

When missionaries arrived in the Chinese capital of Chang’an in 635, they understood that Christianity in the Middle Kingdom required government approval…The application was successful, and a government edict allowed the new Luminous Teaching, as it called itself, to be spread in all China, including the building of a church in the capital city.

Blog Entries

Creating a Truly Chinese Church

[…] is general agreement from all sides that a truly Chinese church is the goal, there is still little agreement on what that means in practice. Is it better if a church choir does not use Western style robes and sing only hymns whose words and melodies are composed by Chinese Christians? Is a distinctly […]

Blog Entries

Jingjiao—Not Nestorian

[…] to the East from Oxford University Press, 2022). Rather than disparaging this early church, we ought to be thanking God for it. Rather than looking for heresy between the lines, we ought to rejoice in the Christian witness that the stele and documents show existed in seventh- and eighth-century China. The name “Nestorian” has […]

Supporting Article

Demystifying China’s New Leaders

<p>Once again China is in the midst of political succession. A new generation of Chinese leaders, known as the “fourth generation,” is poised to take the helm of power in the country. What do we know about these leaders?</p>

Blog Entries

New Media, New Direction

[…] followers overnight. In less than a month, all our major channels on WeChat were gone, and it was clear that our ministry would have to find a new direction. It was a decade ago already that I first recognized new media as a key opportunity for the mission of Christianity in China. I have […]

Blog Entries

Will China’s New Foreign NGO Law Affect Me?

<p>If you’re with a non-profit organization that has activities in China, the new law applies to you, <em>regardless of whether you are actually located in China</em>.</p>

Blog Entries

The “Why” Behind China’s New Overseas NGO Law

<p>With the implementation of the new Overseas NGO Law it is imperative that organizations engaged in China become familiar with the provisions of the legislation, along with subsequent documents and pronouncements that continue to provide clues as to how the law is actually being carried out.</p>

Blog Entries

Serving a New Generation

<p>The challenge going forward is to rethink what it means to serve in this new era.</p>

Blog Entries

Entering a New Season

<p>ChinaSource is entering its third decade with a renewed mission and vision. The opportunities we face and the times in which find ourselves call for new leadership to take ChinaSource into the future. </p>