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Blog Entries

See One, Do One, Teach One

<p>“See one. Do one. Teach one.” A pathway to developing mission-sending capacity in China?</p>

Blog Entries

One Belt, One Road, One Mission?

<p>Current presentations and discussions about China’s emerging cross-cultural mission movement often make reference to “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR), the Chinese government’s push to develop infrastructure and industry along China’s former silk route.</p>

Blog Entries

That They May Be One as We Are One

Engaging and Collaborating

[…] 17:20-23: My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you […]

Blog Entries

Diaspora Missions Today

Challenges and Opportunities for the Overseas Chinese Church

Today, faced with the opportunities and challenges of diaspora missions brought about by globalization, the church should actively participate. We hope that God will give the church the spiritual vision and kingdom-mindedness to take part in diaspora missions, and that we will see opportunities for encouraging lay missions.

Blog Entries

Taking Confucian Spirituality Seriously

The Renovation of the Heart in Dallas Willard and Zhu Xi

We should not erect an artificial barrier to sharing the gospel of Jesus by insisting on a Western language that non-Christians in Asia are not familiar with. Jesus is the answer, yes, but to what questions? East Asian people have a rich tradition of spiritual formation in the general sense of renovating the heart.


One Gospel for All Nations: A Practical Approach to Biblical Contextualization

<p>The Bible tells us what to believe—the gospel. It also shows how to contextualize the gospel? In <em>One Gospel for All Nations</em>, Jackson Wu explains practically why we must not choose between the Bible and culture highlights implications for both missionaries and theologians. Contextualization should be practical, not pragmatic; theological, not theoretical.</p>

Supporting Article

Chinese Churches in New Zealand Today

[…] numbers of new immigrants have come to New Zealand from China, so today the largest ethnic group in most Chinese churches consists of those from mainland China. One remarkable Chinese church that began in October 1989 was the Christchurch Chinese Church in the South Island. The vision for the church came from a Chinese […]

Blog Entries

Ethical Foundations for China Service

I have been involved actively in China ministry since 1996. I often tell people that those years have been some of the most exciting times for China, her government and her church. Just as I was actively getting involved, the Chinese government was beginning to wrestle with what place people of faith could have in […]

Blog Entries

Taking Chinese Spirituality Seriously

Engaging with Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist Spiritualities

Christians need to acknowledge a fact. We might disagree on whether Confucianism is a religion or not. But Confucianism, together with Daoism and Buddhism, are spiritual traditions that have provided “chicken soup” for Chinese souls for more than two thousand years.

Blog Entries

Praying for Urban Red-Light Outreach

Exploitation and Restoration

[…] work in a massage parlor. “Just for a short period of time,” her “boyfriend” promised. Days turned into months, and months turned into years. Ding Ding became one of the millions of women in red-light districts all over urban China.   Not many have attempted to reach women involved in the commercial sex trade. […]