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Blog Entries

We Have a List!

With only 12 day before the implementation of the new Foreign NGO Law, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) has finally released a list of the professional supervisory units (PSU) for foreign NGOs seeking registration.

Blog Entries

3 Questions: The 2018 World Watch List

[…] religion mean. If authorities offer a way for non-registered churches to get an official status, which strings will be attached to it? And will the unity of the church suffer; will there be splits between churches accepting the offer and others preferring to stay away from it and continue not registered? Image credit: Open Doors. 

Blog Entries

Summer Watch List

A Film Review Roundup

[…] can get around to it! Friends, I have heard you, and am here to help. Whether you are in summer mode or not, below is a handy list of the top films we’ve reviewed over the years. All of the films on this list are easily accessible through online streaming platforms. Happy viewing! Ascension—An […]

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

[…] more vigilant in recognizing and preventing the capability of foreign infiltration as well as to stand on guard against cults, heresies, and extremism.  In addition, the document promotes mutual respect and harmony between different religions as well as inter-religious dialogue and cultural exchanges. It also demands that staff conform to churches' rules and regulations […]

Blog Entries

A Summer Reading List from Our Contributors

[…] summer is for reading. We reached out to some of our friends and contributors and asked for their recommendations on books to read this summer. Here’s the list! Recommended by: Andrew T. Kaiser Under Red Skies: Three Generations of Life, Loss, and Hope in China by Karoline Kan The pace of change in contemporary China is bewildering, […]

Blog Entries

Summer 2023 Reading List from ChinaSource

[…] the Northern Hemisphere. There’s often more time to relax, go on vacation, and read. The ChinaSource team came together to share the books on their summer reading lists. The books are divided into two sections—those about China and those about other topics. The excerpts are taken from Amazon. However you get your books, we […]

Book Reviews

Flourishing in Demanding Environments

[…] (not moderated consciously.) Crisis physiology provides short term benefits at long term costs. Cortisone speeds up healing but depletes the immune system. Adrenaline enhances immediate performance but promotes heart disease. Endorphin relieves pain but is arousing and addictive. Sex hormones are depleted. The increased sensual acuity of crisis physiology helps explain persistent arousal, heightened […]

Blog Entries

Seeing God’s Grace at Work

A Book Review

[…] which threatened to spread into his brain, and the time Jacob herself fell into a lake of polluted water which manifested not only in immediate skin infections, but again four years later in urinary tract infections and other illnesses. Both of these were healed by the power of God through prayer and the laying-on […]

Blog Entries

ZGBriefs The Weeks Top Picks, March 6 Issue

Violence was very much in China-related media this week as people inside and outside of China sought to come to grips with the brutal attack that took place in the Kunming train station on March 1. A new date, 3-01 has entered our terrorism vocabulary.

Blog Entries

Reflections on China 2014: The Growing Environmental Crisis

This is my second blog reflecting back on six days I spent in China recently with Brent Fulton where we met with pastors, seminary leaders and academics in Shanghai and Beijing. I shared in the first blog about my amazement at the growth of the church and the window that seems to be opening for the gospel.