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Social Service Ministry in China

While social service has long been part of missionary work in mainland China, today a host of different factors are driving Chinese Christians to explore for themselves the place of humanitarian concerns within gospel ministry. For a growing number of local Christians, loving one’s neighbor through acts of service is rapidly becoming an indispensable […]

Blog Entries

This Is Crazy!

"This is crazy," I observed to my audience of parents and high school students in Beijing. "Why on earth would parents send their 14- or 15- or 16-year-olds to the other side of the world for schooling, especially when studies show some of the best schools in the world are in your own country?"

Supporting Article

Dynamics of Mainland Chinese Ministry in North America

As more Chinese students and scholars come to study and do research in North America the avenues for interaction with them are increasing and broadening.

Supporting Article

Keys to Effective Service in China

Four essentials for effective service in China.

Lead Article

Staying in China

The Issues

[…] a true friend of China and given, what was at the time, the rare honor of permanent residence. These experiences of two equally committed Christian professionals, both of whom felt called to serve in China, are drastically different. There are several issues here, but clearly "retention" or longevity of in-country service is one of them.


Effective China Service in the Era of WTO

[…] greater openness and prosperity, but it is also accentuating social inequality and exacerbating economic problems. Both the positive and negative consequences of WTO bring new opportunities for service. No one can predict what these opportunities may look like in five or ten years. However, recent discussions among ministry leaders elicited a number of “best […]

Blog Entries

China’s Mission Movement: A Call to Incarnation

Today the forces of urbanization have brought Han Chinese believers face-to-face with a diverse range of cultures, from international students and business people to members of the hundreds of ethnic groups resident within China’s borders. 

Book Reviews

Exploring New Zealand’s Rich Christian Heritage

Bible & Treaty: Missionaries among the Māori—A New Perspective: A Book Review

[…] 2, “I bring you good tidings of great joy.” This first preaching of the gospel in New Zealand took place in the Bay of Islands in the north of the North Island and was where early missionaries focused their efforts. Newman goes on to describe how, after a slow beginning, the gospel began to […]

Blog Entries

Wendy Blazes a Trail

[…] Although we are not an adoption agency, we have helped over 900 families adopt from China, and have had many of “our children” adopted into families in North America, Europe, New Zealand, and China. In addition to working with orphans, we foster good will by encouraging teams from around the world to visit our […]

Blog Entries

A Forgotten People

[…] exacts a high price. Yet no higher price has ever been paid than that which was paid by Christ to welcome into his kingdom all who would call upon his name. To his followers he gives this example, along with the promise that, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers […]