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Education: For Whom? And Why?

[…] the 1980s signaled a radical shift, as “key point” schools were reopened and thousands of the finest students sent abroad for study. With the dawn of the new millennium comes a third alternative—market-driven education. The marketization of education conveniently answers both the government’s desire to cease being the sole underwriter of education in China […]

Blog Entries

Entering a New Season

ChinaSource is entering its third decade with a renewed mission and vision. The opportunities we face and the times in which find ourselves call for new leadership to take ChinaSource into the future. 

Book Reviews

Exploring New Zealand’s Rich Christian Heritage

Bible & Treaty: Missionaries among the Māori—A New Perspective: A Book Review

Bible & Treaty tells the story of how the gospel first came to the Māori and details the rich Christian heritage of Aotearoa New Zealand. In addition, it is a story that resonates with the story of mission in China and elsewhere.

Blog Entries

New Media, New Direction

What happens when the regulations increase, and the darkness seems to grow? Jerry An of ReFrame Ministries reflects on the changes God has brought in the past year.

Blog Entries

The “Why” Behind China’s New Overseas NGO Law

With the implementation of the new Overseas NGO Law it is imperative that organizations engaged in China become familiar with the provisions of the legislation, along with subsequent documents and pronouncements that continue to provide clues as to how the law is actually being carried out.

Blog Entries

Will China’s New Foreign NGO Law Affect Me?

If you’re with a non-profit organization that has activities in China, the new law applies to you, regardless of whether you are actually located in China.

Blog Entries

Educational Inequality and the Making of a New Urban Underclass

[…] "Bird's Nest" stadium that became the much heralded centerpiece of the 2008 Beijing Games was erected at unprecedented speed, along with dozens of other Olympic venues, several new subway lines, and major beautification projects across the city.

None of this would be possible were it not for hundreds of millions of migrant workers streaming […]

Blog Entries

Serving a New Generation

The challenge going forward is to rethink what it means to serve in this new era.

Blog Entries

China’s New Approach to Religion

Implications for the Church

What are the new challenges facing Christians in China?