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Perceptions and Priorities of Christian Leaders in China

A recent survey of Christian leaders in China and representatives of churches and organizations outside China that work with these leaders provides insight into the health of China’s churches and their ministry priorities. It also looks at their involvement in society and mission outreach. In addition, participants were surveyed regarding restrictions they had experienced due to religious policy.

Blog Entries

Speeding Up? Or Slowing Down?

A Study on the Current Church Growth Situation in China

Is the church in China growing as fast as we thought?

Chinese Church Voices

The Gospel and Beijing

Going back as far as the Tang Dynasty, this article traces the advance of the gospel in the city of Beijing over the space of more than 1000 years. Today its influence can be seen through contributions made by Christians of previous generations in areas such as medicine, economics, education, and culture, and in the exponential growth of the church since 1949. As China's most important city, Beijing plays a central role in the continued expansion of the gospel both within China and beyond China's borders.

Blog Entries

“Stream of Praise” in Shenzhen

"Stream of Praise," a California-based music ministry has had a profound influence on the music sung in churches in China. If you have been to China and attended an urban house church or a "youth service" at a Three-self Church, then you have most likely listened to, or sung, their songs. Founded in 1993, they have written 330 songs, and sung at more than 1000 events around the world.

Blog Entries

A Novel Approach to Chinese History

[…] Ming. You'll also get a sense of women's roles in both of those dynasties and taste daily life as it is worked naturally into the plot. Added bonus: Chinese view of the afterlife and "hungry ghosts". Snowflower and the Secret Fan (by Lisa See) occurs during the mid-19th century and has a vivid description […]

The Lantern

New: “The Church in China Today” Course

From ChinaSource Institute

A note from the director of ChinaSource Institute . . .


ZGBriefs | January 7, 2016

Video: Drinking the Northwest Wind (December 30, 2016, China File)
Lovell and Wang’s focus is on the direct human costs of the transfer—who has won, and who has lost. On the winning end are residents of Beijing’s ever-sprawling suburbs, hoping for reliable showers and clean water to cook with. On the short end of the stick are the people who live in the areas giving up their water, who, without choosing to have had to leave their homes, find new work, leave behind the comforts of community and family, and fathom how their lives fit into the grand and ambitious plans their leaders have devised to solve a nation’s problems.

Blog Entries

God’s Work among the Lisu

Over 100 years ago, God began a work along the steep inclines above the Nujiang River in Yunnan that greatly impacted the Lisu people and many others along with and through them.


ZGBriefs | July 6, 2017

China, House Churches, and the Growth of the Kingdom (June 29, 2017, Christianity Today)
What goes on in China matters to the Church worldwide; soon, it will be the country with the largest Christian population and, in time, it might have the world’s largest missionary force. When Jesus said He would build His Church, He surely had China in mind.

Blog Entries

Thoughts and Tips on Learning Chinese

Why had Chinese proven to be so intractable?